* Not a chapter, read if you want x *

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Today during PE it was my first day bac after two weeks in isolation, the PE teacher said that we were doing " cross-country ", ( running around the field and ShIt- ) me and two of my friends ran together and I suddenly got really bad cramps- they both waited for me. They were really bad that I couldn't walk that properly. Then I felt my throat have that feeling when you know that your gonna be sick- I was sick in the field and walked the rest of the way. When I was near the end the teacher asked me if I was ok and TOLD ME TO RUN THE REST OF THE WAY- I was like : " Bruh no- " So I walked and some people were like: " Hurry up! " or- " Come on *nAmE* you can do it! " And I didn't have to do the last two laps u-u

One of my best friends stayed with me because she felt bad and when it was lunch she bought me a drink 🥺🥺❤️

I'm so thankful for her!

Plus- recently I've been losing my appetite so much.. I don't know why!

Like for the past two days all I've had is a tiny bit of dinner and like- one lollipop-

The other day that happened and to be honest- I didn't even want dinner. Somehow that lollipop filled me up so much-

Anyways- back to the story -v-

My best friend kept on telling me she felt really bad for me-

On the second lap someone asked why we weren't running and my best friend said : " Because she's been sick " and he was like- " When?! ", even though it didn't really bother him-

On the third lap one of the boys ( my Science partner ) said : " Why were you sick? ", like that's a question I'm gonna know the fucking answer to- all I had was a cup of coffee -.-


End of story- This was probably boring but I've told you anyways u-u

~ Dxcko.. :3

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