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It was hoped for, that Morrigan would see life other than her fox-wun friend Sofia and the other various scholars. So when a little blonde first-year strode through the complex curiously, she was intrigued.

"It's me-"

But the other girl's smile bubbled. "I know who you are! Famous Morrigan Crow, Wundersmith. Pleased to meet you, my name's Kate!"

Morrigan smiled up at the girl in a way that she hoped came across as non-threatening.

"Oh, I just have so many questions! The Art of Inferno, Weaving, Veil-?" Sofia put a gentle paw on the girl's back.

"Now, Kate, it's still your first day. You won't be learning any of that. We're just here to get you acquainted with Sub-Nine, then go on to the rest of your classes.

Kate pouted childishly, which Morrigan thought was amusing. Then she spotted Liminal Hall. No doubt knowing what that was, she skipped towards those marble doors, and Morrigan followed suit. 

She was surprised to see Kate conversing with the spirit of Veil, a dark, ghostly creature that Morrigan had yet to unlock (Morrigan only really had the art of Inferno at this point) but was happy nonetheless, that her new Wundersmith friend was already accomplished in at least one of the Wundrous Arts. 

Morrigan checked her watch.

"Kate, it's time to-" but Kate was nowhere in sight. The light at the end of the tunnel was dark.

Muttering something to herself about children, she brought about a flame in the dark. 

She felt a tap on her shoulder and spun around. But just as she heard the laugh and giggle of Kate, it was gone. This went on for around three minutes when Kate finally appeared from under a cloak that looked pitch-black.

"The art of invisibility," she raised her hands in a pose, "Ta-Da!" Morrigan smiled and took Kate's hand. 

"It's time to go, Kate." They rode the elevator past Sub-Nine, and the ten minute ride felt like one with Kate's infinite chatter and cheer. 

As Kate exited and waved goodbye to Morrigan, Morrigan couldn't help but feel a small sign of happiness. There were other Wundersmiths like here, she wasn't alone. She felt the pull of Squall coming towards her, but she banished his dark thoughts, at least for now. She wouldn't drown in the darkness.

Meeting Hawthorne and the rest of Unit 919 up in the dragonriding stables, Hawthorne was explaining his newest "apprentice," as he called his dragon.

"She's a beaut! Luminosity Flies Very Brightly is one of my favorite yet. She can do amazing tricks, and was clearly well trained by her breeder. Best of all, she glows!" At this point Luminosity proceeded to ostentatiously raise her wings, showing Morrigan and the rest of the Unit glowing luminous scales. 

Just then, she heard an annoying screech.


"Redchurch," facing Heloise, the annoying star-throwing ninja. 

"Funny, I didn't know they allowed trash to roam around the academy."

Morrigan bristled. "Then why are you here?" Unit 919 cracked up at this remark, and then they strode off, laughing and chattering. But Morrigan couldn't shake the feeling. Did she really belong here? Or would she always be the exiled Wundersmith.

Leaving her to her dark thoughts, she watched Luminosity fly around the arena. Squall's pull was growing more magnetizing and stronger by the second. And who was she to resist it?

Squall said he could train her of infinite power, of things nobody else could ever dare to dream? But she remembered when she saw Squall's true form. Black as pitch, with ghoulish red eyes, a wisp, a shadow of the handsome man he had once been now overtaken by greed. No. She would never follow that path. But even so, she found it harder to move Wunder, as everything seemed that she would take the path of Night. 

Shaking her head and clearing her thoughts, she strode off to Lunch, not knowing what surprise would await her there.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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