Chapter 3

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Fred shook me awake as we finally arrived at Hogwarts. I grabbed my things and we all walked off the train, "I'm so hungry!' George exclaimed. "We'll come down and eat after we unpack", I said. I could tell George was not impressed but managed not to complain the whole time up to the Gryffindor common room. I walked up to the girls dorm rooms to find out that Hermione and Ginny were my roommates.I quickly put all of my books and clothes away and walked back down to the common room to wait for George and Fred.

After awhile they came down and we linked arms and we walked to the Great Hall for the dinner. Once we had sat down we saw all the new first years that got sorted into Gryffindor. The food appeared on the table and everyone dug in. "Wow Georgie you are really hungry" I said surprised he was already on his second plate of food in the 10 minutes we had been there.

After about 45 minutes of stuffing our facing I felt I was so full I was going to explode. Fred turned to me and said "did you guys hear about the party tomorrow night ?" George and I both shook our heads. " it's in the Hufflepuff common room, almost all the 5th years are going." " so I'm guessing you said we were going too" I said already knowing the answer. "Well... yes, but it will be fun. I promise and if it isn't then I will make it up to you love." Fred said with a smirk, I gave him the same look back. We walked back to the Gryffindor tower barely being able to walk up the stairs. Fred went and sat down on the couch and I sat in front of him warming up by the fire. George sat down in the chair, I could tell he was regretting eating all that food. As I gazed into the fire I could feel Fred's fingers run through my hair. I could feel my face become hot so I pulled my knees to my chest trying to hind my blushing from George, but there was no point because he was already passed out and snoring his head off. It felt as if the world was sleeping and Fred and I where the only ones still awake. I wanted to stay in this moment forever. "Are you ok love?" Fred asked. I didn't realize but I had a worried expression, "I'm always ok when I'm with you," I said with a small smile. I looked up and could see Fred trying not to smile. Out of nowhere George got up without a word and walked up to his and Fred's dorm. And then Fred got up and walked over the the radio and turned on some music. He came back over to me and put his hand out, "care for a dance?" He said with a smirk. "Why of course I would" I said returning the smirk. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up into his chest. I put my arms around his neck as he grabbed my waist and I could help but smile.

We dance for what felt like ages. "We should probably go to bed, it's getting late", I said not wanting to ever let go of him. I took my head off of his chest and looked him in the eyes, those heart melting eyes. He cupped my face while looking deeply into my eyes, "Wow your so beautiful". I smirked at him, "your not to bad yourself". He smiled at me. I stood on my tip toes as he leaned in, my heart was racing. 'Was this it?' 'Are we going to kiss?' The gap between are lips almost closed when I heard a door open from the girls dorm rooms. It was Hermione, we quickly backed away from each other. "What are you guys doing?" She said with a smile. I could tell she was trying not to laugh. "Oh nothing" I said. "We were just talking about the party tomorrow night." Said Fred, I could tell he was nervous. "We were actually just about to go to bed", I added. Hermione just looked back and forth between us and walked back into our dorm. Fred turned to me and said "good night love". I smiled " good night Freddie". I walked walked up the stairs thinking about what could have happened. If Hermione hadn't come would he have kissed me. Does he feel the same way about me?'

But we were never done. ( Fred Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now