movie marathon

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Holly's pov: "THAT WAS AMAZING!" Corbyn yelled.

"Told ya." Jonah said.

"Can we watch the next one?" Corbyn asked.

"Yeah." All the other boys said.

Then they all looked at me waiting for me to give them an answer.

"You down?" Daniel asked.

"Heck yeah." I said.

Then Corbyn put in the second Lord of Rings movie.

*after the movie*

"Can we watch the next one?" Corbyn begged.

"Dang someone's addicted." I said.

"Well can you blame me, they're so good!" Corbyn exclaimed.

"So are we gonna watch it?" Daniel asked everyone, but looked specifically at me.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Like eight." Daniel said looking at his phone.

"Maybe I should get going cause it is getting late." I said.

Daniel frowned.

"You should stay." He said.

"No, can do." I said.

"Why not?" Jack asked.

"You could just stay in our guest room." Corbyn added.

"Well one I don't wanna intrude and two I didn't bring any thing to sleep in." I said.

"Plus Charlie is here and his food is back at home." I added.

"Well the boys and me bought him food too by the way." Daniel said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Plus treats." Zach added.

"You guys really didn't have to." I said.

"We wanted to." Daniel said smiling.

"Well thanks, but I still don't have a pair of clothes to wear to sleep." I said.

"You can borrow some from me." Daniel offered.

"Are you sure you guys don't mind me staying?" I asked.

"Yes." They all said.

"Can I get changed now before the movie starts?" I asked.

"Sure." Daniel said standing up.

Then we walked upstairs to his shared room with Jack. He went into his closet and came out with a sweatshirt, long sleeve shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

"I think I'll just stay in my shorts cause those are definitely too long for me." I said chuckling.

"Yeah you're probably right." He said chuckling as well.

I grabbed the long sleeve shirt and sweatshirt from him then went into his and Jack's bathroom. I took of my shirt then just threw on the sweatshirt because I didn't feel like wearing the long sleeve shirt cause I'd most likely just get hot wearing it. I looked at myself in the mirror. The sweatshirt was definitely too big on me, but I didn't really mind. It made it seem like I wasn't wearing pants though. However, it did smell really nice. I walked out of the bathroom and handed Daniel his long sleeve shirt back. He looked at me confused as he saw my shirt in my hand.

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