Chapter One

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I can't wait to get home. Today has been a mess. I have failed a test, forgot my math homework, and top it all off got suspended from school for punching some guy who smacks my ass. Which I pretty stupid because he is the one who touched my body.

When I pulled up in the driveway I saw that my Stepdad is home which is weird because he usually works late on Tuesdays. I grap my bag and lock up my car before walking into the house. When I walk in I see my stepdad Kevin sitting on the couch staring at his hands and I can see tears falling down his face. I sat my bag down next to the door and sat next to him. I have never seen him cry not once, not even when his dad died a couple years ago. I don't know what to do. If it was me crying he would make me a milkshake and put in a funny movie until I'm ready to talk, so that's what I'm going to do. I go into the kitchen and get out the blinder and all the ingredients I need so I can make his favorite Mint Choclate Chip which is my favorite to I must say. After I'm done making it I go back to the living room and set the milk shake infront of him on the table then went to but Central Intellagence in for Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson never fails you before plobbing a seat next to him. I look over at him and see a smile on his face when little Dwayne Johnson was singing and dancing in the shower and I can't help to smile too. I really don't like seeing him like this which makes me wonder where mom was. The last few months she was like a ghost. She used to text me and tell me when she was coming home from work or if she was going to be late. Now I don't know and that has had me worried. I would ask her if everything was okay but she would just give me the cold shoulder which really hurts. We used to be really close because my father left her and me when I was a month old so it was just the two of us. That was until I was ten and she met Kevin. I was upset about it at first because it was just me and her and we would do everything together. Then here came a guy waltzing in and it changed everything. Then I learned what a great guy he was. He made mom happy and me. I wasn't his daughter but he treated me like I was. But for some reason I could never get the courage to call him dad at least not to his face. I don't know why either. Since day one he has always been there for me. Gives me what I want when I ask for it. Showing up at every soccer game. Taking off of work when I am sick and can't go to school. I'll never forget the time I was 12 and I was being bullied by this girl and the next day I was throwing a fit because I didn't want to go because she was just going to bully me some more. My mom wanted me to go to school but he said that what would hurt taking a day off so that's what we did. Just him and me though because my mom had an important meeting. He took me to the mall shopping and went out to eat lunch. When we came home We made a fort out of the couch pillows and watched movies until my bedtime. That night he told me " Bullies pick on other people because they want to feel better about themselves and because they are jealous. For you are beautiful, smart, funny, and going to do great things in life Missy. So when she says something mean, remember it's not true and pay no mind to it." and he was right. I really don't know what I would do without him.

"Missy...." I hear him say my name. I look over at him. He still has that sad look on his face. He takes a deep breath and looks at me.

" She left." he says with such sadness in his voice but I have no clue what he was talking about or maybe I did but wanted to deny it.

"Who?" I ask. He looks at his hands and starts to twiddle his thumbs which drive me nuts so I reached over and placed my hand on top of his. He took a deep breath and looked at me again.

"Your Mom," He says then a tear drops and slides down his face meanwhile I'm just sitting here staring at him like it was some kind of joke. A few minutes later when I explode. I hop off the couch and begin pacing back and forth shouting at no one in particular.

" What do you mean she left? She can't, we are her life. Like why with who? Why not take me? I am her daughter. If anybody was to leave it would be me for school at least." Ranting on and on about nothing really. Then I look over at Kevin and out of nowhere I start crying. I back into a wall and slide down it. I wrapped my arms around my knees and started sobbing. Why would she leave? I should have known she was becoming dinstant and I tried to get her to tell me what was wrong but not hard enough. What if I pushed hard enough? Would she still be here? I feel Kevin wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his side which just made me cry harder.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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