Chapter Two.

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"When we first got here, they were saying that the Belmonts and the speakers were the cause of all of this. If the fucking church was the one who burned Dracula to ash, wouldn't you think they would have enough common sense to think it was y'know . . . the church!?" D hummed in agreement at the left hand's words.

"The people depended on the church more than anything else. They saw her as a witch because she practiced medicine and of course was married to Dracula. They would not see the actions of the church as a form of wrongdoing. If they would have listened to the warning he gave one year ago, they would not be a part of such a predicament." D sneaked along, making sure that no one from the angry mob had seen him.

The dhampyre noticed that Trevor was surrounded by a bunch of angry Wallachians who started to close in on him. But when they had gotten too close, a ring of fire would surround him as protection, making the people back themselves away in fear. "Witch!" A priest had yelled, pointing his short blade at a woman who stood on top of a building.

"No! I am a Speaker, and a scholar of magic. I serve no demon and I do no evil." After she spoke, she made a pathway for Trevor who would walk down it.

"You never told me you were a magician." "You never asked." "Though I guess I now understand why it was you who went down into the catacombs to look for your sleeping God. What are you doing here?"

D's brows had risen under his hat. He now understood why Trevor had been gone for so long instead of trying to help. It seemed that he had a calling. "Fine." Trevor stopped in his tracks and turned his head and pointed at the priest. "You!"

"Kill them! Quickly!" The priest shouted, directing his hand at Trevor.

"No. Just you and me. Come on. You're very big at telling other people what to do. Getting the good people of Gresit to commit murder for you. Let's see how you do on your own." The ring of fire that separated the two had vanished and Trevor took steps toward the priest who did nothing but back himself away with a glare. "You and me. I can see that you're carrying a blade. I wonder if the people of the great City of Gresit have ever seen a priest draw a knife before."

The people gasped and whispered to each other. "Your long knife, my short sword. Let's go." The priest stared at the Belmont who got himself into a fighting stance. "Come on, you had no problem beating an old man this morning. Huh? You had no problem lying to these people about the speakers!"

"The speakers brought this upon us!" The priest yelled out, pointing at Sypha.

"No, they didn't, and you know it. The speakers stayed here to offer aid. It was your bishop who brought all this down on us. Your bishop who started it all by killing a defenseless woman. You have made murderers out of these people, but the only one here who isn't innocent . . ." Trevor had pointed his sword at the man with rage in his eyes. "Is you." A man had pushed his way past Trevor, plunging a knife right into the Priest in the abdomen while others began to join in, killing the man while screaming at him. But while that happened, a group of townsmen ran forward, and their lives were taken by sudden flame.

"It's them, they're coming!" Sypha stood beside Trevor and a horde of night creatures began to run forward. D made his way over to the two of them while he removed his blade from his sheathe on his backside. "It's you." Trevor turned his attention to D and Sypha did the same with widened eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm doing my job. You direct those people to safety, the ones with weapons need to step forward to fight." Trevor didn't question his words. He turned to look at the running humans.

"Back to the far side of the square! Pikes! Up front, now!"

"What—?" A man holding a pike turned to face Trevor, terror in his eyes and face. "Why?"

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