chapter 12

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The people started checking the cameras and they saw a person opening the room door lock and entered inside while he covered his face and made sure he is not seen in cameras ..
After a few minutes they saw nandini walking the side while feeling like escaping from someone and eating a bread ..

She saw the opened door and slowly pushed and saw inside ..

They saw another camera which is inside the locker room ..

There is no voice but they saw like nandini shouted on him while he was talking on his phone
He turned back and looked like they have a small argument and when is about to shout he hit nandini on her head and she lost consciousness ..

And he lifted her and placed her slowly on the diamond box and tied her hands and legs and closed her mouth with a plaster and closed the door after kissing nandini cheek and licking it ..

Manik: find him immediately he dared to mess wit me he is dying ..he said so seriously as everyone can see the redness in his eyes ..

Everyone nodded their heads with fear and nervousness
Manik: answer ..he shouted

Everyone: yes boss ..they all said and he angrily left the room ..

He went to his room and took his coat off and throwed it on the floor so angrily and was trying to relax so badly while exhaling air so hardly

He sat on his bed and sighed relaxing and kept his head facing up and relaxed completely
And stood up started walking outside ..

He kept his hands in his pant pocket and walked with a poker face to a door and opened it as nandini is opening her wardrobe and picked up her pajamas

While she saw the door seeing manik entering inside like it's his room she saw him irritatedly

Nandini : never heard of knocking the door ? ..she said angrily but so slowly cause she saw how angry can he be before

He went and sat on her bed and she sighed slowly shaking her head and went near him ..while placing her pajamas on the bed at the corner

He pushed her down on bed while coming on top of her catching her both hands with his one hand

Nandini : manik what are you doing ..she shouted ..leave me ..she struggled

Manik: oh changing cloths ..want my help ..he asked while trying to kiss her neck ..

She tried to kick him again like before but he caught her leg and spreaded it slowly moving hands on her Jean

He went near her pant zip

Nandini: manik ..manik what are you doing manik stop ..she shouted and shut her eyes hardly

Nothing happened and she opened her eyes slowly and saw manik lied down beside her and watching her ..
She saw down and there is her Jean but she is tied her hands and legs both ..
She started struggling

Manik: I wish I could tie you like this everyday ..he said while she saw him shockingly

He again came on top of her ..
She is seeing him while she is slowly panting

Manik: do you know how much I paid to buy you don't you think you belong to me completely ..he asked touching her cheeks

Nandini: I am not a property or thing to buy ..she said turning her face angrily

Manik: 100 million ..he said while catching her face and making her to face him
If that's the case you own me 100 million now ..he said with a smirk ..
How will you repay me with your body? ..he asked placing his hand near her lip slightly pulling them
And she big his finger hardly ..

Manik: ahh ..he sounded and pulled out ..he again smiled ..I like biting maybe in some other place ..he said and she struggled again ..
Okay okay then tell me how will you repay me ..he asked lying on bed aside

Nandini: I don't have that much money but I will surely repay you by working ..she said and he smiled a little ..

Manik: now that's a deal will work as you have a salery of 12 million per anum you will work for me 8 years 3 months ..
We will write the contract ..he said and stood up releasing her ..

Nandini : no I will not work that many years with you I will do some other work also and replay you as fastly as I can ..she said so stubbornly with a serious look on her face

Manik: you think I would let you leave this mansion ..he asked with a small chuckle ..

Nandini: I am not your property..she said angrily

Manik: well congratulations but you are ..he said and got so angry ..
Everything everyone everyperson even air in this mansion belongs to me ..
Maybe I should keep a mark on you to say you belong to manik property ..he said again coming on to her ..
But this time she successfully kicked him down there ..
Which made him growl in pain ..

Manik: you are doing something horrible cause you will need it in the future ..he said and she saw him irritatedly and tried to push him out of her room ..

But as he came near the door he caught her hand from back and pushed her against wall

Manik: feeling tempted so pushing me out ..he said while traveling his breath down her chin ..

Nandini: in your dreams ..she said and he left her ..

Manik: uff stubborn now be ready for working with me for 8 years and 3 months ..or working with your body ..he said and started walking out while keeping his hands in his pocket ..

Nandini : I will find other job and repay you ..she shouted from her room ..

Manik: live in dreams ..he responded and waved his hand as bye not looking back ..

Nandini angrily closed her door and changed her cloths cursing him

Nandini: I will never make myself a property..she said angrily infront of mirror looking at herself ....

And angrily slept on her bed while slowly drifted to sleep

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