Chapter 1 - Dominos

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- I haven't gendered Y/N or included any physical descriptors, so it's inclusive for all readers.

- This is a College AU, all characters are over the age of 20. Y/N, Kuroo, Kenma, and Asahi are juniors (third years) getting their undergraduate degrees, Noya is a second year, and Tendou is a graduate student.

- All character personalities are built upon a canon base, but I've taken some liberty with their interests and mannerisms.

- There are 17+ themes starting in Chapter 2, so minors please don't interact with any NSFW content. I have marked NSFW sections with asterisks if you would like to still read the rest of the work.



To: Azumane Asahi

>> meet @ coffee monster, 15 min?

You gripped your phone with shivering hands, cold air biting at your thumbs as you typed out the brief message to Asahi and hit send. Almost immediately the device buzzed against your skin.

From: Azumane Asahi

>> ofc. see u soon~

You let out a strained breath and shoved your phone deep into your coat pocket, before pulling your wool scarf up around your mouth and continuing down the steps at the back of the psychology building. Your only lecture for the day had just finished, leaving you plenty of time to grab coffee with Asahi before meeting up with Kenma at his apartment to study later that evening.

Dark clouds were swiftly gathering across the late autumn sky, smothering the sunlight and bringing with them an icy chill that made your teeth chatter. The bare trees that lined the path through campus cast skeletal patterns across the ground, lacing around the feet of students bustling from one lecture hall to the next. You kept your head down, not wanting to accidentally run into the one person you should've felt the most comfortable with: your boyfriend, Kuroo.

You and Kuroo had fought this morning. Usually, your fights were nothing more than pointless bickering about whose turn it was to choose a movie or whether you were going to eat out or stay in, but for the past few weeks every fight seemed to spiral out of control, ending with slammed doors and aching hearts. He'd been spending so much time in lab or at volleyball practice that you rarely saw him during the week. When you did get time alone together it never felt like he was fully with you, his eyes vacant and mind miles away.

In his absence you had turned to your best friend, Kenma, for company. Kuroo seemed to despise this, and whenever he started his usual line of questioning — what were you two doing, how long were you together, why didn't you answer my texts — you pacified him with the reminder that Kenma was like a brother to you. The two of you had grown up together, following each other from daycare to university. If Kuroo would just pause and actually think through what he was suggesting, he'd remember that Kenma had been the one who introduced you two in the first place. Both boys had gone to the same volleyball training camp during a few high school summers and when Kuroo transferred to your university halfway through sophomore year, the three of you had become fast friends. But these facts always seemed to dissolve the moment they hit Kuroo's ears, and the man's jealousy spread like wildfire into a scorching insecurity that nothing you said could extinguish.

"Do I even matter to you anymore?" Kuroo had spat this morning when you told him you had plans to study with Kenma that evening. The desperation clinging to his words made your heart clench in your chest, but you took the bait anyway.

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