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There are two types of people in this world. The kind that dream and hope and look for the possibilities in their life. And then there are the people who don't dare dream and won't hope for fear of it not coming true and failing.

These two groups lived together in older times and thrived. But one day the two groups became afraid of the other side "infecting" them so they split up groups. The dream side went to a beautiful place across a little stream, and the unhopeful side stayed on the side that they had lived in for as long as they had lived.

A bridge was created that went across the stream that separated the two people and magic was woven across it so that anyone who went across would ultimately be destroyed. The magic was woven by a witch who's hut was over the stream so she was on neither side.

The people lived quite happy for many years. Each month on the last day of the month, each side would send their leader to talk with the other sides leader as to stay in touch. One told the other of achievements they made, like technology and machines. The side of imaginative was way more advanced than the side on unimaginative. This made that side more prideful, but there was still peace.

There came a time where the people of both sides wanted what the other side had. When the two leaders meet they both unexpectedly brought up the thought of combining again. They talked about it for some time but they dismissed it, knowing that was now impossible with the magic. And they didn't want to talk the witch again.

As they meet each time the subject of combining came up more often and more often. They both wanted what the other had but didn't want to give up what they had to the other side. The side that was darker than the other wanted to dream and to not have boundaries and to live a life of hope. While the lighter side wanted discipline and the chance to fail and learn. But each time they dismissed the idea and left.

On one of these meeting it became really intense and they argued. Both sides thought the other was holding out on them. They marched of full of rage and malice towards the other. The fight, the beginning of a great battle that was happened.

The leaders told their people that the other side wasn't willing to help them and that the other was going to force themselves upon them. The people got raged and prepared for battle. All creatures human and animal alike, children, adults, animals of every shape and size was armed with some sort of weapon.

They all marched to the bridge and when they got there the other side was waiting to greet them. A full blown battle raged on people on both sides were falling. It was bloody and one of them most terrible battles known. People were on both sides of the stream but most of the battle was on the darker side next to a huge fountain.

The battle raged for hours till two lone fighters fought on. The two leaders fought next to this fountain. They fought with savage rage not caring that those they loved were dead around them. Only wanting what the other had. They fought each other to the death.

If you saw the scene you would cry till you also laid down and died. People of all shapes and sizes were strewn across both side. Both people responsible for the terribleness of what went on that horrendous day. The world was in silent remorse for the foolishness that went on.

But up out of the ashes arouse four children. Two sister females and two brother males. The females were from the darker side, and the males were from the lighter side. They found each other but didn't fight, no they didn't fight, they fell into each others arms and cried all day and all night.

When they had finished their mourning. They did there best to respect those who had fallen. They felt week under the magic of the boundary so they sat on the bridge most of the day and night.

They had come up with a solution, they would split up. One female and male to each side but this was impossible with the boundary but they had thought about that as well. They had to see the witch that split these two people. They made her change the side they were in exchange for a quiet place.

They promised that what had taken place would never happen, and they wouldn't meet each other either. They would tell their kids to never venture near the border. And so they split at the bridge.

And for the bridge that was the only way across the other side was forgotten as time went on lost on fables and myths. The two groups grew and thrived never knowing about the other side.

Till hundreds of years later a child of the female of the darker side was born.

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