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Christoff above.


I slapped Erin's hand away for the sixth time in ten minutes. She's hell bent on trying to fix my hair but it's like she trying to rip the hair right out of my scalp. "You are so handsome." She said in a sweet voice, "so I'd like you to stop looking like a mop every once in a while! I'm tired of my friends asking 'who forget their muddy mop'!" She hissed in a not so sweet tone. I rolled my eyes. Nothing is wrong with my hair, if you don't like, it don't look at it! Simple!

"That was one time! Oh my God, it's like you refuse to let that one go." I said, wiping my eyes in my shirt's collar. "For the last and final time—I'm hoping—it was two years ago at Christof's post birthday party and we paid couple of chicks to fight in our old, kiddie pool.....that we filled with mud."

"And they pulled you in?"

"Oh hell yeah. Good times." I said, smiling. I have nothing about fond memories of that night. Where did the time go?

Erin shook her head. "Boys." She said, under her breath. I rolled my eyes. Hey, we know how to entertain ourselves...don't hate. Suddenly she grabbed my hand and placed it on her stomach. My mind went completely blank when I felt the baby kick. It was so freaky yet amazing at the same time. There's an actual being in there.

"Whoa." I said, smiling at her. She grinned. I leaned in to kiss her stomach. I looked at Erin when she tried to ran her fingers through my hair. "Ow." I whined. She opted to playing with a curl instead.

"You were always such a sweet boy." She said, softly. I blushed. I'm was never sweet, bad boys are never sweet. "I'm sure you'll make a girl very happy if you give one the chance." I sat up and shook my head.

"No. At least not right now....maybe I've by now if Linsey hadn't ripped Jariah's heart out like that." I began. My older brother, Jariah, has been dating Linsey for the pass three years and he would do anything for that woman. Literally anything. He paid off her student loan and been funding her candle business, only to find out she was just using him and everything Jariah has been paying for was for her fiancé. She left him on his birthday, I guess she had everything she needed and didn't need him anymore. Jariah was understandably crushed, he became the epitome of depression. Mopping around just killing everyone's mood. Naked over all things. Jules got sick of it and brought Linsey's apartment complex and the strip mall Linsey was renting her shop in, then began increasing the rent until he raised almost half of the amount Jariah wasted on her, Jules eventually evicted her when she couldn't pay. Shortly after, Jariah began seeing Linsey's best friend, Lola. "I don't think I could ever come back from that if it were me." I finished.

"You'll never know unless you try, not all women are monsters—"

"Clearly." I said, smirking at her. She grinned.

It quickly fell and she sighed. "Look at that hair." She said. I rolled my eyes and took out her compact mirror out her bag. I looked at my hair and frowned at her.

"I don't look that bad." I grumbled. She sat up and lifted my hand to the middle of my head.

"You feel that? That's dreadlocks." She statement. You fucking liar—oh...yikes. I played with for a while, sighing.

"Can you comb it out later, please?"

"It's gonna cost you." She cornered. I let out of breathy sigh. These damn money hungry attorneys.

The door opened at the doctor finally came it. "Good morning, Ms. Quinsy-Pereira and—"

"The father." I said, standing up to shake his hand. Erin smacked me in the stomach.

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