Chapter One - First Year

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Leona was a kind and caring person who loved muggle music even though she was a half-blood witch. She sat in an empty compartment on September 1st 1991. She heard the door open and she turned to look at the newcomer; a boy with a kind face and looked like he was about to pass out due to nerves.

"C-can I... umm... j-join you p-please?" He stuttered. "Of course you can." Leona said with a smile. The boy took a seat across from Leona and was shocked when she held out her hand. "I'm Leona." She told him. He shook her hand and said, with a little more confidence. "I'm Bem."

Bem looked at Leona more carefully; she had strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes with freckles on the bridge of her nose.

The two of them became friend quickly and talked for the whole of the journey.


"Firs' years this way!" A tall man with beetle black eyes and a bushy beard called out. He led the first years to a huge lake with boats on the shore.

"Four to a boat!" The man instructed. Leona and Bem got into a boat with a girl called 'Parkinson' and a boy called 'Zabini'. The boats moved and the first years gasped.

When the boats finally stopped, everyone got out and started to talk about the castle when the door was opened. "Professor McGonagall." The man greeted. "Hagrid." Professor McGonagall said.

"Follow me." Professor McGonagall told them. They followed her inside and she gave them a speech about houses and house points then she left. Once she had come back, she opened the doors and walked them into the great hall. People stared and some even waved at the new first year students. They came to a stop and Leona turned to Bem. "Not gonna lie, I'm really scared." She whispered. He looked at her and whispered back. "So am I." He offered her a small smile and they turned to the front again.

People were called up and not long after, so was Bem. He walked up to the sorting hat and the hat shouted. "GRYFFINDOR!" The Gryffindor table started to cheer.

"Potter, Harry!" There were whispers from all around the hall. Harry walked up to the front and the hat was placed upon his head. It took a while but finally it shouted. "GRYFFINDOR!"

When Leona's name was called out, she walked up to the front and sat on the stool. After about ten seconds, the hat shouted. "HUFFLEPUFF!" And the Hufflepuff table erupted into cheers.

Dumbledore made a speech and the finally said, "Dig in!" And food appeared on the tables.


Leona was walking to the Gryffindor table to set up with her new friend to compare timetables. "Hello." Leona greeted. Bem turned around and smiled. "Hi." He said. Seeing the timetable in her hand, he held out his own and she checked them. Leona frowned. "What's wrong?" Bem asked, concerned. She looked up and said. "We have very few classes together."

"Oh." Bem said sadly. "Well I guess I'll see you then." He told her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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