chapter 3

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     "Sorry I'm late!" Brian announced as he came through the doors. He was rarely late, and if he was going to be he told the other coaches and students in advance. His students were already on the ice working with the other coaches, who looked over their shoulders relived that Brian was just running late and that no ill fortune had befallen him. He watched his students work out of the corner of his eye as he tugged on and laced his skates.
     He had long ago lost both his love and inspiration for the ice, but he'd been trapped in the past all morning  his memories serving as pure motivation. When he stepped onto the ice that morning all the lost magic returned to him, and he felt like a young skater again, ready to compete against the best of them.
     That feeling quickly left him as he watched Jason complete a quad loop. Brian was no fool, he knew that his old body wouldn't be able to that. Even though he no longer felt overly confident in his skating, he still felt inspired. He just knew that today would be a good day.
     "Great practice today!" Brian called after his skaters as they left. He sat down and began undoing the laces on his skates, when a shadow loomed over him. Brian glanced up from his skates, expecting the shadow to belong to Tracy. He had to admit he was surprised to find Yuzuru standing infront of him, pinky nervously tapping his leg.
     "Problem?" Brian questioned. It was rare you Yuzuru to hang back after training, usually if he wanted to train more he came in early and even on the days he did stay late he would ask early in the day, not loom over Brian as he removed his skates. Yuzuru shook his head no, making Brian curious about what was going on. He turned his full attention to the boy, as the curiosity began to get the better of him. Yuzuru swallowed the lump in his throat and began to speak.
     "I know it's unprofessional to ask this of you, but today's my birthday,  and Nam is coming into town to celebrate with me. We plan on going out drinking, and we were wondering if you'd like to join us?" Yuzuru rushed out, his face blushed red. Brian immediately felt bad, he had forgotten that it was Yuzuru's birthday, he'd been too focused on his nephew coming home. He also felt bad that Yuzuru was nervous to ask him about going out, his students were free to ask him absolutely anything. Sure it wasn't often that Brian hung out with his students, but he wasn't against the idea.
     "I'm sorry Yuzu, I really would, but my nephew just got back in town and I don't think leaving him home alone so soon is the best idea." Brian answered honestly. It would have been fun to go out with Yuzuru and Nam, but Touma hadn't been home in so long, what if he still hadn't outgrown the fear of being alone? Brian watched as Yuzuru's face twisted in thought, probably trying to think of someone else to spend his birthday with, and Brian felt really bad about denying his request.
     "Bring him with." Yuzuru suggested with a shrug of his shoulders. "If he's old enough that is." Yuzuru continued. Brian chuckled, he was surpised that Yuzuru would invite a stranger, yet amused by his desperation to not be alone with Nam. Everyone loved Nam, but he was sometimes a bit much.
     "I'll ask him." Brain told Yuzuru. As he finally removed his skates and put on his sneakers. Yuzuru smiled and thanked him, letting Brian know that they hadn't yet decided on a bar, but he'd be sure to tell him when they figured it out. Brian wacthed the boy exit the room, buzzing with excitement.  Brian left not long after, hoping to catch the last half hour of Touma's practice.

A/N: This story does take place in December of 2020. I know it's no where near a normal time, but we are going to pretend everything is normal. I kept the year as 2020, because it is 2020 as I write this and I don't want to be confused as far as character age goes. So this story starts  on December 7th 2020. Also this chapter was written from 11/5/20 to 12/1/20.

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