chapter 34 姻デヌ

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【Jennie's POV】

I felt empty.

I feel numb, I still couldn't process the thought of the tree is gone. It may be a little thing compared to others but to me, it's part of me. My memories surround that tree, memories that crafted the Jennie now.

I just feel connected with that tree. Years pass by but I stood my ground, despite the different seasons of change. I allow myself to let others help me grow, but others just used your kindness and brought you down.

Can't trees be important as an economy?

I feel suffocated.

I quickly stood from my bed, the covers slipping down as I open my cabinet. I didn't mind the tears, wearing my thick jacket and wore my boots. My legs ran, I couldn't think properly. I can't feel anymore, I need him.

I exited the house and ran past the gates into the empty streets of Seoul, my breathing unstable. Blurred vision but my lips curved upwards as I panted, standing in front of the convenience store. Every night, he's there when I need him, "Taeyoung-ah!", I called out him as he quietly ate his ramen, I greeted the cashier who we grew close with as well. 

He frowned as he saw my face, "Jennie-ah, you okay?", I smiled at him, brushing it off, "I'm fine, it was just raining outside."

Was it really?

He slowly nodded and smiled, "If you need us, we're here.", I bowed and went towards Taeyoung who looked at me with wide eyes, "Jennie? What happened?", but I just laughed at him, "Nothing, just a rough day."

He nodded and opened his bag, he pulled out a box and pushed it towards me, "Eat up."

It was dumplings.

I chuckled, "Thanks, you always know what I want Tae.", I grabbed the chopsticks and gently blew the dumplings. My lips curved up as it's favor hit my tastebuds, delicious.

"Feeling any better?", he raised his fingers and lightly brushed away the tears, I froze as I looked at his brown orbs that were covered by these thick glasses. I got myself in the trance of him, I couldn't help myself but feel, lucky to have him with me.

"Jen?", he tilted his face, a pout forming on his pink plump lips. He looks handsome even though he was just wearing a simple black hoodie and jeans. His hair in all directions through it makes Taeyoung, Taeyoung.

"I feel better, thank you for always being with me Tae.", I smiled at him, he reflected it back. His eyes softened, holding my hand on the table. Butterflies suddenly fluttered inside my chest, my heart started leaping that I couldn't control it.

"I know you're strong, keep fighting like how Jen would.", he grinned, ruffling my hair and I playfully glared at him, "Yah, my hair."

We laughed, it felt good. Just the melodic sounds of our laughter in this cold night is enough to make me feel better, "Jen, I'll be right back.", he smiled and stood up, walking towards the door. I tilted my head, confused. He stopped at the big window and threw a big wave in my direction, making me giggle at his actions. He grinned and took off.

I smiled, looking down at my interested fingers. Every time that I'm with Taeyoung, it always feels surreal. I felt like being in Utopia, I don't want to leave if I could. He makes me happy in my saddest days, he makes me smile just like how V did.

I shook my head, why would I include V in this conversation? V and Taeyoung are different people. V is loud, flirty and my best friend while Taeyoung is quiet, subtle and my first love, I don't understand myself. This is getting irritating.

The bell ringed and I saw Taeyoung, with an emotionless look on his features. I blinked my eyes in confusion as he was wearing another hoodie, it was already white. I guess he left to change his hoodie. I quickly grabbed my belongings and ran up towards him, the night is the night.

"That was fast. I'll tell you something.", I smiled at him as I intersected our hands together and exited the story. I ran, pulling him along with me, his hair was all over the face. I laughed as the wind brushed our hair on this cold night.

December has arrived and I could feel the nostalgia of my memories when I saw the place in front of me. 

The park.

I looked back at Taeyoung, who was panting. I chuckled and offered my hand, "Hurry up, let's go to the swing.", he only shook his head and walked by past me, heading towards the swing. I felt my heart crack but I decided to let it slide.

We sat on the swing, gently pushing the ground. The leaves rustle and bustle, the calming waters at the front, made me feel calm. I'm in a beautiful place with the right person.

This is it.

"The stars are far apart in our eyes, it seems impossible to see them together but if you took time to look and believe, stars can be nearby. Just like loving someone.", I started off smiling as I lifted my hand to the sky, as if I'm trying to hold a star.

" It seems impossible unless you do something and took action. Loving you was like that. ", I chuckled, I glanced your way. Your eyes were wide, your lips apart. I looked deeply in your brown hues, hyponotizing myself in your trance.

"I thought loving you was impossible but I couldn't help to get curious. I like the way you smile, the way you scrunched your nose, I like the way you look at me with those brown orbs, I like everything about you Kim Taeyoung.", I whispered.

"I think...

I like you."

𝗘𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 34

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