A different beginning

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(First of I would like to clarify this is my first time making a story so plz don't hate but kind feedback is appreciated in order for me to learn and become a better writer)

Izuku is a middle school student in a world where 80% of humanity's population are born with a Superpower of some kind which was named quirks but he was wrongfully marked down by society as one of the 20% who have no quirk

(Also another change deku will not be pretending bakugou is his friend he don't like him at all cuz I don't like the way he talk to deku )

Where we start is a month before the main story starts our green haired boy had just woken up and went downstairs for breakfast

Inko: "good morning izuku" *inko said with a smile on her face*

Deku: "good morning mom" deku said sounding a bit tired inko noticed this but didn't say anything

*deku would eat his breakfast and would head off to school though when he was leaving he yawned and a puff of green smoking came out of his mouth izuku didn't notice this but inko took notice and decided to check izukus room*

*she walked in as she saw his room was filled with the smoke izuku didn't notice because he was extremely tired before getting breakfast she walked into his room and began to fall asleep she managed to open up a window before dozing off on Izukus floor*

*Miksuki came over an hour after this all unfolded and found inko and inko explained what she had experienced and they both came up with the completely wrong conclusion that deku was taking some sort of drugs*


Deku was walking to school when he saw bakugou and his lackeys

Bakugou stood in front of Izuku with an evil grin on his face as his lackeys stood behind him

Bakugou: "well if it isn't the quirkless deku"

Deku: "I'm not in the mood for this bakugou I have to get to class"

Bakugou would get upset and would yell "I don't care if you're in the mood or not I'm still gonna beat the shit out of you" bakugou would then punch Izuku in the gut and a bunch of smoke came out of his mouth and shot past bakugou who didn't notice

Deku on the other hand had finally noticed the smoke after an entire night of breathing it bakugou would continue to beat Izuku up but was confused on why his lackeys didn't join in that was until he was done and he turned around to see them both on the ground knocked out

Deku would be on the ground mouth closed as bakugou left all of them laying there

Deku was the first to get up and leave getting to class late but the other two didn't make it at all they went home after being found by someone sleeping on the sidewalk throughout the day he noticed multiple puffs of green smoke come out of him mouth any time he open it

(Time skip)

Deku walked into his home to see not only his mother but bakugous mom sitting there aswell they were both pissed and began yelling at him

Deku: "what are you guys talking about i don't do drugs"

Inko: "then what is the green gas i found in your room and I saw some of it come out of your mouth this morning"

Deku: "it was happening before school to?"
*deku yelled genuinely worried*

Inko and bakugous mom then both agreed he was most likely telling the truth and apologized for there outbursts

Deku "i-its fine let's go to the doctors"

Inko then drove them izuku over to the doctors to see what was wrong and after an examination and a quirk test the same doctor that crushed his dreams all those years ago now older said

Doctor: "welp it looks like your kid is a late bloomer i guess that test when he was four was wrong somehow  any way here" *he gave them a paper *

Izuku midoriya

Quirk: knock out gas breathing

"His body is able to produce gas that puts people to sleep which he can then shoot out his mouth"

Drawbacks: if he shoots to much of this gas he will knock himself out

Deku: *began to tear up along with his mother*

Inko began to remember what she had said to her son


Inko making dinner for izuku and herself and she had a very bad day beforehand  and accidentally broke a plate soon after he cleaned it up and began eating with her son and it was quiet until she asked a question

Inko: so izuku what are you gonna be when you finally get a job

Deku immediately answered with: "a pro hero"

Inko: "izuku you know your quirk less and you have to have a quirk to be a he-"
Deku cuz her off saying

Deku: "ill be the first quirkless hero"

Inko: "no you can't izuku"

Deku ".....excuse me what did you say mom"

Inko: "it's to dangerous izuku i was hoping you would give up already but it seems you haven't yet"

*the two would go back and forth about izukus future before inko had a sudden outburst of anger*

Inko: "Izuku It is never gonna happen!"

Deku: ...........

Deku would then leave the room that was the last time he had mentioned being a hero to his mother

Flashback end

They were in there car going home when she noticed him exhaling gas she about to say something but then noticed him breathing all the air back in he continued to do it

Inko: *in her mind* "of course he is already testing his quirk"

Inko: "listen izuku im really sorry I didn't support you before you got a quirk and I hope you will forgive me"

Deku would stop messing with his quirk  before letting out a sigh

Deku: "I understand why you said something like that mom it was because you didn't want me to die but now ill be a hero"

*Izuku then spent the next month training his quirk and his body knowing he has to have a good and strong body*

(Once again this is my first story i hope you all enjoyed)

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