How It All Started

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Authors Note: Hey everyone this is my first story ever published tell me what you think please? ....Enjoy!

~Chapter 1~

How It All Started

Lili's (P.O.V)

 Its been two years, two horrible, miserable, stressful years since i've seen him. I miss him. I know I shouldn't I know I should just bury all my feelings for him but I can't......I love him. We were perfect I even tried to keep our relationship going when he left for the X-factor. We skyped, called, messaged. Maybe I did something wrong........No! no I didn't I need to stop blaming myself I keep repeating. I won't forgive him and I can't forgive him ,after what he did I just can't! I screamed as I sat on the bed thinking about Zayn who I hadn't seen in almost two years. I cried myself to sleep again like I do most nights after the day that scarred my life forever.....

*(Flashback 2 years ago)*

I arrived home early enough for my father not to yell at me like he usually does since i'm always getting home late. He tries to act strict but not very successful at it. I always get in trouble and he gives me a lecture, that never really helps but i've been pretty good lately. I promised Zayn I would try harder not to get in trouble just like he promised me the same thing.

My dad has been like this ever since my mom's passing which was 10 years ago which I really don't like talking about it.

"Hey dad" I said as I entered the small house. "Finally home early for once" he said back with an expressionless face as he was sitting down on the couch eating some dounuts. "Thanks for asking how my day at school was dad" I responded as I made my way up the stairs to my room. As I opened the door I got a text from Zayn and a huge grin spread across my face immediately.

'Zayn - Hey babe I'm done performing for the day. How was school? xxx'

I smiled to myself as I sat on the bed while I replied.

'Me- Well in school Annie and I almost got in a fight when she said that I had become weak and soft after I started dating you. Can you believe that? And she called herself "my best friend" but oh well I'm never gonna trust her again. Anyway how was your day? ,you wanna Skype my phones dying? 

Lili xx'

'Zayn- Ummm no sorry the lads and I have to get ready for eliminations tonight but I'll call you later yeah? :) xxx'

'Me- Yeah thats fine.I'll be watiching, good luck!!!! C: Lili xx'

I set the phone to charge. I realized I still had an hour until the show started so I went to the bathroom to take off the stupid uniform the school makes us wear. I'm a little upset that Zayn can't talk right now maybe thats how you feel when your boyfriend is gone for 4 months. But I shouldn't be so selfish he's living his dream thats all that matters. I stop thinking to myself and turn on the hot bath. When the bath fills up I dip myself into it and try to forget about everything.

Zayn's (P.O.V)

Louis just told me we we're going on stage for eliminations. I was bumed out since I really wanted to talk to Lili, MY Lili. Man, I was head over heels in love, if thats how the saying goes. She changed me in so many ways its indescribable I smiled to myself as I sat backstage at the X-factor. I missed her like crazy. The lads always make fun of me for always talking about her, but what can I do shes all i'm usually thinking about.

"Zayn lets go!" someone said bringing me back to reality, it was Liam poking his head into our dressing room. "Coming"

I followed Liam on stage for eliminations. The man announced to the audience who's left in the competition he was going one by one when he got to our name it sent shivers down my spine. I was very nervous I could tell the rest of the lads were too. All in my head was what happens if we get eliminated do we just go back to a normal life. This is a one time chance I don't think this could ever happen to me again. But then I do miss Lili.... ahh just thinking about her makes me smile. "There is one spot left in this competition will it be Cher Lloyd going on home or One Direction. The votes are in and the act NOT going home tonight is........ One Direction". The lads and I have a shock of relief knowing we weren't going home. We could win this I thought as I hugged the lads out of happiness.

As we walk off the stage all I could think about is on how close that was. When the show is finally over Cher comes to the back to give everyone one last hug. After I give Cher a hug I grab my phone out to call Lili, but then Simon pulls us aside for some rules we need to keep while on the show or we might get kicked out.

 "The only and most important rule for the competition is....NO girlfriends" Simon began.

I just stood there frozen ,unable to speak until all I could say is "Why, why not?!" 

"You will lose fans and that is a risk we can't take and if I find out any of you are still with them you will be kicked out of the band. After the show is over or you lose you can find someone who is famous to be your girlfriend" he said sternly and left.

"Its okay mate" Harry said as he patted my back as we made our way back to our room while my head hung low still in shock. The rest of the guys nodded their heads in agreement. That was easy for them to say since none of them have girlfriends besides me but I can't lose Lili it would break her heart along with mine....

I loved her like nothing or no one else in the world. The first time I stared at her blue/grey eyes I knew she had to be mine. I usually got what I wanted since I always had the badboy in me to help me out. This was going to be hard I thought as I sat on my bunk bed thinking on what to do. The rest of the guys went to their own bunks to probably tweet or something like usual.

On one hand I had a one time chance to become famous and live my dream. I loved to sing and the guys and I are getting really close. I can't just throw this all away,I sighed . On the other hand I have Lili the only girl that has ever maked my knees weak, my heart pound eveytime she says 'I love you', and causes butterflies in my stomach just by smiling at me. She was my everything. We have been dating since I moved to her school in the beginning of year 11. I was kicked out of my old school for getting into too many fights. She changed me and now i'm nicer and haven't gotten in any fights since we started dating 6 months ago. This is so hard.

I made my mind and decided to break up with her today before I changed my mind. I can't let go of my dream and maybe we can go back together when i'm done with the show. I wonder if she'll wait for me. I dought it, she was beautiful in every sence of the word and her edgy side gave her personality a little twist. Annie, her friend or should I say ex-friend told me I was her first boyfriend so maybe she will...

I asked the guys for privacy to call Lili. She picked up after 3 rings and she sounded very excited but, I felt like the biggest douchebag knowing what I was about to do.

 "Hey babe" Lili said in her soft but lovely tone,"Hi ummm we need to talk" I muttered. "What about?" I heard her say in a worried voice. "We can't see eachother anymore" I said with my voice cracking on the end and for a while it went silent on the other end until I heard someone sobbing. I knew it was her. I couldn't handle hearing that, because I knew I would be the next one to do the same so I just did all that I could and hung up.

*(End of flashback)*

A.N : Soooo what u think?? Please comment. No mean comments please but I would like some suggestions on improvement since its my first one thank you and if you liked it vote thanx means alot :]

~Jackie :D

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