•part 1•

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"Y/N, get out here you lazy bum!" you sigh and get up "What now?"

the store manager you worked for scowled at you. The two months after you freed yourself from the police, everyone remarked you as a outcast, since after the investigating your case, the police failed to find anything about you. you were both frustrated and relived, as you really wanted to find out about your past, but also felt like it was something the police shouldn't know.

Not only because of that, but people also lovers and hated you for your mysterious alchemy powers. Some have even began to call you 'the metal alchemist' witch really annoyed you. A rumour says that your powers come from your auto-mail arm, witch isn't the slightest bit true. The word about you got out and traveled far, many people came to the city just to see you in person, that pissed you off a lot too.

Your auto-mail arm also set you aside from the rest. The technology concerned with your left arm was far beyond what was far beyond what was known, and scientists came from all around the world just to come check your arm out instead of dreaming of it.

"Hey you listening?" your boss slaps your arm. you snap your gaze towards him and resist the urge not to slap him round the face. "yeah, what?" you scoff.

"this gentleman," the boss steps aside to reveal a bulky looking muscled man, "is here to challenge your fighting powers."

you were also known for defeating even the bast of fighters without your powers (which people didn't consider cheating) so many people came to  fight you. you fight in a special way, people would say. even a stand that said "come fight the metal alchemist right here right now!!" was set up, that annoyed you the most of all things.

you slump down and pull your dirty glove over your auto-mail hand. "if we must, lets just get it over and done with yeah"

you were led to open grounds, a crowd was rushing up quickly. with your most nonchalant face, you scan the crowed . on the opposing side to you the man who challenged you . your manager stepped into the center, causing the buzzing noise of people betting and having conversations died down. your eyes catch the eyes of a boy about your age, gazing at you in wonder. his ash-blond hair tied neatly up in a perfect ponytail made you  do a double take. this was one of the boys you saw two moths ago on the day of your escape!

your boss opens his mouth "welcome everyone to the 32nd fight of the metal alchemist. so far no one has been able to defeat her! how embarrassing! today, we have another challenger, todd filtery here today!"

the crowd chears making you roll your eyes at there defining sound. you examine todd, noticing that despite his heavy arms and bulky muscles, his legs weren't anywhere near as muscly or bulky so you would have thought.

"on the other side we have (Y/N) (L/N) also known as the metal alchemist! Remember she plays by the rule: she can not use her powers until her own blood is drawn!"

the crowd cheers as well, louder though. you flash a grin towards the audience making everybody scream. despite your metal arm and greasy hands, you were quite good looking and pretty. your  (h/c) pulled back into a tight ponytail, a (f/c) tank top and matching shorts,boys often drawled over you.

"-start now! Ready, Set, Fight!!" your manager runs from the grounds joining the front of the crowd, who mumbled about how rude it was.

you lunge forwards  and sprint for the man in front of you, shutting everything but your opponent and you out. you skid behind him before he could react you kicked him in the back of the knee, hard. he screeches and falls forward twisting around.  his arms swing towards you, but you quickly crouch down and doge the attack, at the same, time you skitter to the front of his body and aim a punch right into the center of his stomach. you went to through it but he moved just before you reached him.

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