Arthur x reader

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"Arthur it's time for you to take a break."

"Oh (y/n), sorry I need to finish this one last task."

"Oh okay, well I'm going to leave the food I made here for when your finished."

(Y/n) sighed when she left as she knew this would happen he's always overworking, but you made sure to see him everyday after finishing all the princess duties. What (y/n) didn't realize was that as soon as she left and he finished his work he would smile, eat what you made and then go rest like you wanted him to.

One day however, you finished with the princess duties for the day, but did a little too much and you still went to see Arthur like usual.

"Hello (y/n), perfect timing I managed to finish everything early today." Arthur was happy to see you, but he noticed you were a bit pale today. "Are you alright?" He was concerned. Then suddenly you fell forward, but luckily Arthur caught you.

"(Y/n)! He panicked and immediately took you to the clinic.

"Jones! Nancy!"Arthur heard someone rush downstairs it was Nancy."What happened to (y/n)?" Nancy asked helping lay you on the clinic bed."I do not know she just collapsed."

"Let me get Jones."Nancy ran up the stairs to go find Jones quickly.

Arthur didn't know what came over him he had easily lost composure when it came to you, but he was relieved when Nancy came back with Jones."Do you know how this happened?"

"No she just collapsed after walking into my office."

"Alright, let me see." Jones saw that you were a bit pale, but noticed nothing wrong that was unusual so he knew what the cause had been.

"It seems she collapsed due to overworking, too much stress on her body."

Arthur was surprised by hearing this "Will she be okay?"

"Yes, she just needs some well deserved rest."

"Thank you Jones."

"Of course its my job, but that reminds me you should get some rest as well we do not need someone else collapsing like (y/n)."

Arthur laughed a little. "I will be sure to rest more then." Jones walked away to tell Nancy everything was fine now. As he left Arthur looked at your sleeping face, he had no idea how much you really did for Selphia and a lot more recently himself.

Suddenly he heard you moving around and it made him smile seeing you awake. "How are you feeling?"

"Oh...Arthur? I feel fine, but how did I get here?" You had no idea what happened you just remember visiting Arthur but then everything went blurry.

Slowly you sat up and he helped you. "You suddenly collapsed and I had to carry you to the clinic." This was very surprising for you to hear and a little embarrassing that he had to carry you all the way from his office. At least now everything was fine and you were definitely going to be more careful especially since you need to convince him to rest it means that you need to take more breaks too.

Both of you walked out of the clinic relieved and happy, he walked home with you and you were smiling when he walked you back to your room before leaving to go back to his office.

"Bye, I will see you tomorrow right?"

"Yes I will come by your office." You smiled and waved goodbye and went into your room.

Once both of you were relaxing in your rooms the first thing on your minds were each other and you both wondered what it would be like to be together more maybe more then friends, but one exhausting day at a time.

You did get to thinking, "Should I tell him how I feel?" You already had a crush on him, but were nervous about if he had the same feelings for you.

Soon you might just find out his feelings about you and get an answer.

Credit to sumi for the image used

Arthur x reader [rune factory 4]Where stories live. Discover now