Nightmare and welcome to Columbia

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Y/N p.o.v

I wake up in my old room of my old house what is happening i get out of my bed and i hear some commotion coming from my door, as i got closer to it I can here talking to someone another man 

???: Mister L/N we had a deal 

Dad: I wont let you hurt my son or take him from me so leave him alone 

???: if you wont cooperate than you leave me no choice

I then here a bang and i open the door to see my dad laying on the floor dying and my mum next to him crying begging the man to leave them alone but end up with the shooting her in the head. as i looked at my dead parents i run to my dad and held his hand begging him to stay alive but he just looks at me and say

Dad: you...

I look up to see a gun pointed at me and i see who is holding it 

Y/N: B-B-Booker!?!

he looks at me with a dead serious expression on his face and says

Booker: It should have been you

booker than pulls the trigger and all I could see was white the my vision came back and I saw the blue sky and white clouds, as I sat up I saw statues of "Father Franklin", "father Jefferson", and "father Washington" which creeped me out a little but not much then I see Booker next to me  on the ground say someone's name for some reason but I paid it no mind as I woke him up

Booker: W-w-what happened?

y/n: the priest just baptized us and now we end up here

Booker get up and is a little annoyed

Booker: the idiot priest needs to learn the difference between baptising a man and drowning one.

y/n: At least we are in Columbia now

Booker: we need to find a landmark and figure out where the hell we are in Columbia

y/n: agreed

we leave the weird statues and make our way through this garden place and we find a set f doors I open the doors and I see a statue of I'm guessing the prophet as the bridge is connected and into a small shopping district.

y/n: I'm guessing that is the prophet the priest was talking about

Booker: Yeah I guess your right 

as the bridge was connected we walked through the shopping district and then I saw floats crossing the bridge, as the floats go by they talked about the history of "Comstock" that is apparently, we keep walking and then I decided to speak to Booker that was on my mind about something.

y/n: hey Booker do you feel like this place is a bit off or something?

Booker: Yeah that's true but we are here for one reason and that reason is to find the girl

???: telegram for Mr Dewitt

Booker: huh

Messenger: telegram for you sir.

booker took the telegram and flip it over and read out loud to me 

Booker: Dewitt stop, do not alert Comstock to your presence stop, whatever you do, do not pick #77 stop Lutece huh

y/n: you know what any of that means?

Booker: no but I'm guessing we will find out soon

we continue to walk around until we came across what was a little mini carnival

y/n: well this looks interesting 

Booker: yeah well there is nowhere to go but forward

y/n: right

we walk around the and saw some interesting stuff until we got to the end of the mini carnival and saw a woman with a basket full of weird bottles, she ask us if we had lost a penny to a vending machine or a payed telephone refused to let us connect to our beloved.

y/n: I'll give this a try

Booker: go for it kid

I take one of the bottles from the lady's basket and pop off the lid and took a sip, the taste it's something i cant describe even if I tried my vision became a little wonky and the woman drew a green heart with her fingers and blew a kiss at me and then my vision was back to normal and now my hand started to glow green.

y/n: wow.....that was interesting 

I look at my hand and was confused on what was happening with my hand, you extended your hand out to the robot at the door and a green ghost came out of my hand and posses the robot letting us through

y/n: whoa that was awesome

we go through the door and we see a man and a woman 

Man: heads?

woman: or tails?

Booker: come on, let us through

the man throughs Booker a coin and Booker catches it 

Man: heads?

woman: or tails?

Booker: huh... heads 

Booker flips the coin and it lands on the plate showing heads wow he got it right

Man: told you

Woman: hmmm

the woman marks a tally on the board for heads

Man: I never find that as satisfying as I'd imagined

Woman: chin up. there's always next time

Man: I suppose there is

they move out of the way and me and Booker looked confused as we made our way through the city and to the girl, still this is a weird city Welcome to Columbia I guess

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