Chapter 5

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After fajr prayer , we both recited the Quran for a while . We hit the road together. We went running . Ziyad had finally convinced me to join him.
We have a wedding to attend tomorrow, I hope you've not forgotten. I reminded Ziyad . It was Amina , she was getting married tomorrow and she couldn't keep calm. Ziyad had an important meeting on Monday so we were not going to stay too long . I had already explained this to Amina and she understood.
After eating breakfast, I went straight up to the shower . Ziyad joined me. He left home later to take care of a few business.
These ribs are damn good , Ziyad praised whiles we ate dinner. He often commended himself when he made meals. I retched, immediately I tasted to confirm Ziyad's claims. It's the spice , it's a bit too much. I felt nauseous again, I raced into the bathroom before anything could happen. I puked as soon as I got there.
Naila, are you sure it's the food. He asked feebly.yeah I think so. I said in doubt. I was ignoring the possibility that I could be pregnant. I didn't want to keep my hopes high as my last experience was a terrible one.
Ziyad went down to the pharmacy down the lane to get me some medication, since I complained of stomach cramps.
I asked him to add a pregnancy kit as well since he pressed I check. While he was away I was so exhilarated with the idea of being pregnant, even though zee had specifically warned me not to. I could finally make Ziyad a father. I thought to myself.

I was in bed when he arrived. He brought me a glass of water with the medicines. I walked unsteadily to  the bathroom.
My smile had collapsed when I got back. Ziyad knew it couldn't be good . Don't worry he consoled. We just had to be sure . He added. I told you I wasn't , and you insisted I check, now look at me heartbroken. I complained. He hugged me so tight I could not move. His chin rested on my head . Better he said while moving away. No no don't stop , I dragged him to continue the hug. It felt so good . I wish I would make you a father, I said softly. Shh...shh, it's okay . He interrupted.

I'm so tired, I can't even breathe. Zee uttered after we arrived from the long journey. I massaged his shoulders. Amina looked stunning today, I tried to start a conversation. Yeah she did. Her husband on the other side looks so damn good too. Ziyad turned to look at me confusedly . what ? He asked unsure of what he heard. what.. I asked him back . I said.... no no no don't end it Naila. He interfered . He run to grab me . I quickly run into the bed room which he pursued me. I fell unto the bed, what did you say ? He asked again aloft me holding back his laughter.  I said you look good today . No that wasn't what i heard Naila. He said. That is what I said . I insisted. Okay okay I forgive you. Zee looked directly into my eyes. The was a few seconds of silence, just couples staring at each other in the face and smiling.  I love you Naila, and I thank Allah for bringing you into my life. Ziyad said calmly  . I could feel my body get cold as goosebumps showered my body. He gently pressed his lips against mine. I love you too zee and I thank Allah for letting me experience the rest of my life with you , by your side. He smiled and kissed me again. I kissed him back.

Returning from praying zuhr(mid day prayer). I saw Ziyad's car parked outside the entrance of the building. What was he doing here at my workplace. I thought to myself.
Someone is here to see you , Maddison my colleague said to me with a smile. He's so handsome, do men like this still exist , she added. Was it zee she was referring too? I questioned myself. He was sitting at my desk with a bouquet of flowers. I smiled at him, are you serious , you drove all the way here to bring this? candy guy!. I asked him softly. Yeah I did unfortunately . He answered. He had brought lunch as well. I was so impressed by what he did.
Everyone smiled at us whiles we made our way to the canteen to have lunch together.
You shouldn't have . I said to him. I closed early today and I thought to surprise you. He defended. I love you zee. I said to him. He stayed a while longer till I finished the days work . This is beautiful, he admired my works. Thank you babe.
We passed by an eatery to grab dinner before we got home. I like what you did today Ziyad isa . I said this engirdling his neck with my arms. He held my waist whiles he smiled. That's passionate and romantic of you. I kissed him gently. Don't stop , he ordered. My phone rang interrupting our 'us' time. I quickly halted to get it. Ziyad grasped me back when I made the move. Nope ..he said . It can wait. He pressed his lips against mine gently . I played along to his rules.

I wore my hijab slowly, beaming throughout the process as i fixed it perfectly . I felt so lucky to have Ziyad in my life . I couldn't ask for more than just say Alhamdulilah. I dashed out when I heard him screaming. What is it.. I saw him on the ground howling in pain. What happened. I asked very perturbed . I slipped and fell Naila .I laughed inwardly. Are you blind , I teased. How come you didn't see the water spills. I added.
I'm in pain and all you do is interrogate me. He said to me. Sorry let me help you off the ground . I took him to the bedroom. Lay here for a while , I massaged his legs completely ignoring his screams .

He had fractured his leg that day, it became so serious he couldn't go to work. He worked from home. We had visited the physiotherapist often , his bone had dislocated. The X-ray today showed an improvement, the physiotherapist said.

He started to walk little by little to feeling no pain at all to completely walking normal again. He felt better with days.

Ziyad led the asr prayer which I followed him. We read the Quran afterwards. Ziyad was really a practicing Muslim. He corrected me a lot about things pertaining to the Deen(religion)when I was wrong . I loved him more for that aspect.

I started having an anxiety disorder when I was not conceiving. I put everything in Gods hands but i was scared of the worse. I'd pretend to be okay when he was around but was actually depressed most of the time. Anytime he caught me disturbed , I denied it or diverted the conversation. It's been 7 months since the pregnancy scare and more than a year since the miscarriage. Ziyad advice I should be patient even though I couldn't control it.

Exactly two years into our marriage, I had already attended Amina's naming ceremony. I was happy for her at the same time sad at my situation. Ziyad insisted we see a gynecologist. I declined . I was so scared of the outcome.

About a month later , we booked an appointment after numerous persuasions .I was given a hormonal boosting meds. I took them and prayed to Allah to bless me with a child of my own. Ziyad made dua about it anytime he prayed his salah.

I puked after eating dinner, I had realized I missed my period last month. I sat in the bathroom with the pregnancy test kit contemplating whether to check or not . I was so scared to be heartbroken. Can I come in zee said behind the door. Yeah please do. I responded. I tested and handed it to zee to reveal the result.
I saw his face lit up gradually. He beamed with so much joy . It's positive Naila, we are having a baby , he hugged and carried me . He caressed my forehead with kisses. Such great news , we thank God he said .
I called mum and dad to tell them. I could hear my siblings jubilate in the background. They sang words of praises to the almighty. Ziyad couldn't keep calm the whole day.

Salam alaikum guys . How is it going so far?

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