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The tribrid was standing in front of the man she thought she had always loved. She was wrong.

"You don't have to do this. You don't have to be this person." The tribrid said calmly. 

She said as she outstretched her hand to him. She walked towards him step by step, slowly as she was afraid he would run away. Her eyes were full of desperation. Not for him, but for everyone else she loved.

"Do you know what they call me?" The Igor said to the tribrid.

She glanced at the floor and looked back into his eyes. She opened her eyes to say something, but no words came out.

The Igor sighed sarcastically. "Of course you know."

"None of what others say is true, okay? I can help you stop using deviltry. Just come with me and stop trying to destroy the world." The tribrid said walking closer two steps. The igor stepped back two steps, retreating. They were both silent for a few seconds. The tribrid couldn't help but to ask.

" Why? Why did you use it?" The tribrid asked

The igor looked up at her face and laughed sarcastically once more. " I thought that if I could be as powerful as you, then you would choose me." He stared at her, waiting for a response.

" Deviltry is not as bad as you make it seem." This time he stepped forward towards her, "Come with me and we can take over the world together." This time it was the tribrid's turn to step back.

She scrunched her eyebrows and gulped down the ball she felt in her throat. She shook her head. " No. I won't let you take yourself or me down the path of magic." There was another set of silence and she smiled briefly.

He looked at her and asked, " Will you really stay with me the whole time?"

She smiled wide and shook her head. The hope in her eyes shined bright.

" Does this mean you choose me? Or Ashton?" he asked as he stood in front of her. Her face fell as she said, " I- I love you both."

" That's not what I asked." The igor said calmly.

" I love you, but Ashton is my mate. I'm sorry but I choose him. What happened between us that night, doesn't change anything ." She said with deep sympathy in her eyes. She subtly rested her hand on her stomach in her own reaction to the memory of that night.

The igor walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her. She wrapped her hands around him in response. As she was hugging her childhood friend, she couldn't help but smile. It was a good moment for the tribrid. Until she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen.

" I love you. But I won't let you stop me." The igor whispered in her ear as he stabbed her with a knife that was infused with deviltry.

Her body went rigged and she fell to the floor. She gasped repeatedly, clutching the area where she was injured.

" I know you love me too." he said as he crouched down to meet eyes with her. " You'll realize that soon."

The rigor smiled cruelly with only pain and death in his eyes. He turned around once more as the tribrid was gasping. " Don't be so dramatic. We both know the power of that knife will wear out and you'll be fine." He stood and walked away. She felt tears escaping her eyes as she was still grasping her stomach. She knew she would survive the effects of the injury, but her unborn child wouldn't. 

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