chapter one

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Ron has just arrived at the king cross station to see Harry waiting, "hurry up weasel head we are gonna be late!"  Ron ran to the train shoving his elbow into to Harry he hates being called weasel head. 

Ron's pov

I was walking to the back with Harry, we usually sit with Hermione close to the front but she wasn't in her usual seat so we went to the back. Me and Harry couldn't find an empty seat so we sat with Blaise. (a guy from the slyherin house because he was the only one who would allow it) We talked about quidditch since we all enjoyed it, after a while Harry drifted to sleep, which he always does, so me and Blaise were left talking. 

"I never thought I could get along with a slytherin" 

"Yeah some of us aren't that bad" Blaise had a smirk on his face and winked, I could feel my cheeks go hot and red... how embarrassing. Why was I blushing at a slytherin gross, as if.

"Now I know why Gryffindor's colour is red"  he smirked at me and I went even more red

"Only kidding Weasley, no need to go redder than your hair" He snickered and I giggled a little

"It's 10 minutes till we arrive we should change" I quickly began to gather my robes until I see Blaise rip off his shirt, I go red in the face again my freckles more noticeable then ever. "Hey go change in the bathroom" I manage to get out

"Why we are both guys" 

"okay fine" I turned around and began to change until I felt a warm electric touch on my waist. I almost melted until I heard someone talk

"Why are you turned around... scared?" I turned around again covering my abdomen, I didn't need him seeing the scars. Only Harry and Hermione knew and I planned to keep that way. I was caught in thought until I felt that warm electric feeling again on my wrist. I looked down to see Blaise pulling my arms down.

"Wow wait what are you.." He hugged me, the warm feeling was sent through my body and my cheeks began to glow red.

"Don't do that to yourself" I could feel my eyes begin to fill with water, he backed away put the rest of his robes on, winked at me and left. I was in absolute shock, he hugged me, a cruel, evil, cute- no what am I saying Blaise isn't cute.

"Harry, Harry! Wake up we are at Hogwarts!" Harry scrambled to get his robes on just in time.


Blaise pov

I was in the Great Hall siting with Draco and Pansy, which was annoying because Pansy wouldn't shut her mouth. She only talked about Draco and nothing else, everyone there suffered even Draco. My thoughts were wandering until I heard shouting from the gryffindor table

"No Ronald! And for your information it's none of you business" I could see that it was Hermione which I heard happens to be Ron's crush. Hermione soon ran off

"Filthy mudblood causing a scene, really witty" I heard as I turned my attention to what people call my friends

"Yeah Draco I agree" Ew.


"Oh Draco... your so smart" God Pansy just shut up "Draco can you help me with potions? Because your the best" Oh god "Draco your hair is so pretty and soft"

"shut up Pansy" I finally broke... damnit bad idea

"No one asked you opinion" Draco soon shot back at me

"I'm leaving" I sat up from the couch and left for the astronomy tower

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