chapter twelve

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[So umm I realized I mentioned Ron's scars but not how he got them so here is an explanation... if you aren't comfortable with abuse and self harm skip over this chapter. Nothing will happen in the chapter which is important to the story just some background info to clear up confusion]

It was the summer right before 5th year and Ron was at a summer camp for wizards, he met a few friends like Reggie Diggory, Cedric Diggory's late cousin. Reggie was French so he went to Beauxbatons, so he knew Fleur who Ron liked in 4th year which is embarrassing since Bill is dating her now. He helped Ron with some school work, and eventually became a fling. Which didn't end out well since people found out and beat up Ron.

One day the beatings got really bad, one guy pulled out a knife and started cutting Ron's stomach making his white shirt bloody red. Underneath the cuts were bruises which defiantly caused internal damage, the bruises were swollen and bright purple even though they were only placed just a few minutes before the cutting. The only thing keeping Ron from crying every night was when Reggie would meet him, it would make Ron feel alive again besides the bruises forever causing pain. Every beating became just like that one from before, which left forever bruises and scars. (the ones Blaise saw)

The day before Ron left to Diagon Alley the group gave him a serious beating, which were still visible when he went on the train. They cut so deep that the blood gushed out faster than any other cut Ron has had. He left that camp barely being able to move his abdomen, Harry and Hermione noticed his scars and Ron told them the whole story which made them more protective. He kept it from everyone else not wanting to be vulnerable, and when Blaise found out on the train he wasn't happy. But since then Blaise was the only reason he stopped (and Hermione's daily wrist checks)

Thank you guys so much for over 400 reads and #5 in Blairon! Have a Happy Christmas! Also sorry if this doesn't make sense, I wrote it at like 1am...

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