Chapter 18 [End]

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~Yoongi's POV~

[4:53 PM]

Yoongi: Princess...

Yoongi: Whatever I did, I'm sorry.

Yoongi: Please talk to me.

Yoongi: I miss you.

Yoongi: Why did you skip school these last three days?

Yoongi: Are you mad at me?

[5:42 PM]

Yoongi: I love you, princess.

[1:21 AM]

Jimin: I love you too, hyung.

That was the last time I heard or saw anything of Jimin.

I don't know where he went or what happened, but the thought that he was gone when I finally got to have a chance with him killed me. Whenever I asked Namjoon if he knew anything, he just frowned at me. Whenever I asked Hoseok if he knows anything, he just gave me a sad look and walked away. I know something happened. But no one would tell me what. Until today, when Namjoon had enough of me bugging him about it.

"He's gone, Yoongi-ssi. He moved to Seoul, and so did Seokjin hyung and Jungkook. He probably didn't say goodbye to you because he was busy or his parents didn't let him. Seokjin told me they took his phone away so he couldn't message you. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. You're probably not gonna see Jimin again."

I stared at him with wide eyes. "Wait...what? He moved to Seoul? Why? What happened? He didn't tell me a thing!"

"Like I said, his parents, particularly his dad, kept him under a close watch so he couldn't talk to you."

"But why? You could still talk to Seokjin hyung!"

Namjoon frowned and stood up, walking close to me and growling in my ear, "Because I didn't knock Seokjin up. Jimin is pregnant and that's what finalized their decision to move." He spat before he walked off, leaving me with that information.

Jimin was pregnant?


Whenever I got home after school that day, I rushed inside and stormed to the kitchen where my parents were. "What the hell were you saying about omegas and alphas and all that shit?" I yelled, making them both jump in surprise.

My mom glared at me for my language before she questioned, "What? Calm down."

"I'm not going to calm down! Namjoon-ssi just told me today that Jimin moved to Seoul because he's pregnant! What the hell?" I snapped, making my parents glance at each other.

"Told you he would get pregnant. But what is this about him moving to Seoul? Did he walk out on you?"

"Yes, and he took the baby with him!"

"Well duh, he kind of has to." My dad said. I glared at him, and he raised his hand to surrender.

"Well honey, I don't really know what to tell you. It was his decision."

I yelled out in frustration, before I snapped at her. "Tell me what the hell that omega and alpha bullshit was!"

"Shut up. I have a cheese grater and I know how to use it." My mom spat.

"And the grated cheese is excellent proof." My dad added in.

My mom gave him a look, before she looked back at me. "Like I told you before, you're an alpha and Jimin is an omega. Omegas are males that can get pregnant. They go through things called 'heats' that attract alphas. They're pretty much a period, like human women have, except they attract alphas with their scents. You as an alpha, go into a rut whenever you smell it or every six months or so. You should start them around the time you hit eighteen or so..." She glanced at my dad for confirmation, who nodded.

"When does an omega start their heat?"

"Around the age fifteen to eighteen. It really depends on the omega."

"And...Jimin can get pregnant? He is pregnant?"

"Yup." She said nonchalantly. "You fucked up, son."

I glared at her. "I want to go to Seoul to find him."

"No. Seoul is hours away from here and a huge city anyway. You would never find him there."

I frowned at her words, and she glanced at me. She rolled her eyes and said, "I suppose...we could send you to college in Seoul rather than here, if you'd like to do that."

"That's years from now!"

"It's better than nothing. I don't know what to tell you otherwise--have you asked Namjoon about where exactly Jimin is in Seoul?"

"He wouldn't tell me."

"How does Namjoon even know he's in Seoul though?"

"Jimin is Namjoon's boyfriend's little brother."

"Oh. Well...if I know anything about how much Namjoon loves that little boyfriend of his, I would say just watch Namjoon for awhile. Before you know it, he might take off for Seoul to see him. Or even go to college there, himself. I'm sorry, honey, but we can't do anything about this. His parents probably found out that he was pregnant and did this. And even if you did go to Seoul and knew where he was, who's to say his parents would let you see him? Or if Jimin even wants to see you? He could be mad at you for getting him pregnant."

"He didn't seem mad..." I mumbled.

"Well, either way. You need to wait. If you're destined to be together or whatever, maybe fate will bring you back together some day. But until then, you need to focus on your studies if you want to get into a college in Seoul."

"...Okay. I'll focus on my studies. Then I'll go to Seoul and find Jimin."

"Good for you. Now go to your room. You're grounded until dinner time for cussing."

I rolled my eyes, but obediently went to my room.


So...that was the abrupt ending.

But before you get mad...

There will be a second book!

And that will be the properly written story that this was meant to be!

As I mentioned in the beginning, this was just a precursor. Being abrupt and all was just to be a sort of outline for the next book, so that it has a bit of known background.

But anyway...

Thank you for reading this mess anyway. :)

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