Update 2.0

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Hello, another update! This is to let you know I've decided to continue for sure! ❤️ I appreciate the love and support but I have a few notes. PLEASE READ.

So, I am going to reread the entire work. I wrote this at about sixteen or seventeen and I'm now twenty-two (on Friday! 😌) so I can see how cheesy it was haha. I'll be sure to change up some things but not my overall plot idea. I'm hoping to have a new chapter up within two weeks or at least by the new year! Thank you!

What are some things you're interested in seeing happen, with the story itself?

Also, I'm a big smut writer, especially now so I want a scale on how comfortable everyone is and how often you guys would like it once the boys get into actually doing it. Asking way ahead of time because I'm actually not sure how many younger readers I have now. x (please don't read my smut if you're under 18. I have to say it. 😂)

ALSO when I start back up, I will be writing a summary! So there will be a summary chapter to remind the older readers of everything going on and then there will be a continuing Chapter right after!

Thank you everyone for your support! Please give your input!! xx

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