Chapter 1

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Okay so let's start from the beginning...

I'm Mia and I'm 15. I live with my mom and my little sister, my dad lives out of state. My little sisters name is Evelyn, or as I like to call her, Evil-yn. I say that because she can be quite the terror sometimes. Who am I kidding, most of the time. I know she's 8 years old but sometimes I think she is still going through her terrible two's. It's fine I guess though because I have some really cool friends who keep me out of the house so I don't have to deal with it.

The first one that I will tell you about is Emma. She's 14 and one of my best friends. I have known her since we were in the 6th grade. There have been times that we have fought nut no matter what I know she has my back and I have hers. She is a total fashionista to say the least. We walk down the halls and she will stop people just to say how cute their outfit is. Emma cracks me up sometimes but I love her for it.

Another one of my friends is Crystal. She's 12, so she's the youngest of my group of friends. Crystal may seem shy at first but trust me she's NOT! If anything she is actually really outgoing, you just have to get to know her. Not that being outgoing is a bad thing because it's not. I've known Crystal since I was in the 4th grade. I talk to her everyday for hours either texting or facetiming.

Anyways, let me get to the part about school...

This year I am  freshman. It's been a big step up from middle school. The upperclassmen look at us as if they are hungry lions and we are the steak. It's been crazy to say the least. I made it to my first period class on the first day but I was late. Mrs. Foley was in the middle of her first day speech. She looked at me and said "Just take any seat." I thought it was going to be easy. WRONG! Since I was so late and we had such a big class there were no seats left. Eventually, after I stood in the middle of the room like a fool for at least five minutes, Mrs. Foley gave me her chair.

I sat down and then I met him...

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