I'm On My Way

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Alan was sat in the back of the car. He had his phone in his hand watching the video again. It had been watched over 700,000 times and liked as that many.

He scrolled down to see more messages.

xxSnapexx: You are such an amazing person Kayla. To go through pregnancy alone. I really do feel for you. And I hate that you were forced from your life.

MRickman: Alan, you stupid fool. Why would you give up this girl? She's family and she has had our niece and nephew. Come one man, buck up and go and find her.

That was from his brother. He wasn't expecting that one at all.

Charlie: Stay strong girl. We are all behind you. Never give up, never surrender. A lovely quote from Galaxy Quest for you.

GeorgiaSnape: I remember her now, she was at the Deathly Hallows Part 2 premier in London. You were the pregnant girl that we looked after. I have the picture somewhere of you and Alan that I took. I will have to hunt it out.

Alan was a little puzzled about that one. He could remember everyone that he met, but hang on. Pregnant? He remembered a pregnant woman being in the crowd with sunglasses. He signed a poster of himself as Snape and remembered leaning next to her for a selfie and congratulating her on her pregnancy. Could that have been Kayla?

Lucy2005: I'm glad that you told him. But LordRickmanOfAlan are you going to see Kayla?

It was the last message that was on there from the little girl Lucy. He decided to reply.

LordRickmanOfAlan: Lucy, I'm on my way to see her with Draco and Harry.

Alan shut the YouTube app down and put his head back. He tried to think who would do this to Kayla. It had to be someone close to him.

He fell asleep in the back as he was a little tired and emotional.

Tom pulled into Watford Gap services to refuel the car and to grab something to eat for the long journey up North.

They grabbed a McDonalds each. Alan still sat in the back eating his late tea.

"So, do you know where you are going Tom?"

"Nope, the satnav does though. I only have a postcode though. She said to contact her when we are at J30. She says she's going to meet us there." Tom mentioned as took a sip of his drink.

"Tom. Do you want me to drive the rest of the way?" Dan asked.

"That's if you want to. We have another two and a half hours driving to do."

"Yeah, it's fine with me."

Tom handed Dan his car keys and got into the passenger side. Dan got settled into the driver's side and started up the engine. They set off to their final destination.

Alan buckled up as they headed out of the car park of Watford Gap and headed back onto the M1 North bound.

"Would you mind if we listened to the song please?" Alan asked.

Tom and Dan both looked at each other.

"Yeah sure, just give a moment to load it up on my phone." Tom pulled the aux wire out and plugged it into his phone. He loaded the YouTube app up and searched for the video. He didn't have to look very far as it was at the top of the page. He clicked on it and hooked it onto the phone holder and turned the phone to landscape so that he could watch the video as well.

Alan cried as he heard Kayla sing again. He eventually fell asleep for the rest of the journey.

"Tom, you need to message Kayla and tell her we are approaching J30." Dan nudged Tom.

Tom got his phone and contacted Kayla.

Then a message was posted.

TheGirlWhoStoleTheHarryPotterParty: Click here in 30 mins to see a live video.

Kayla had set up a live link on her phone direct to YouTube. She was going to film them getting back together.

She picked up the twin's and put them in their car seats and headed out to her car. She locked up the flat. She started the car and headed out to the location that she had given both Tom and Dan.

The location was then put-on YouTube.

TheGirlWhoStoleTheHarryPotterParty: I'm on my way to meet him. S9 area where everyone goes.

Only one more chapter to post. Just doing the final edit on the chapter now. Hopefully I will get it posted either sometime tomorrow or on Xmas Eve before I go to work.

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