Castina Empire

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(A/n: Hi guys! Here's a new chapter, hope you guys like it~)

3rd POV. 

     A few months have passed after the ball when Edira notify Avyanna about their visit to the Castina Empire. Avyanna chooses to wear a blue elegant dress while Edira wears a red one. Avyanna was quickly served by her maids when they heard that their princess accompany her lovely cousin, Edira...

Avyanna: Arghh! Edira, why didn't you notify me about us going to the Castina Empire today!?

Edira: Well I just want to see you get tor- I mean served by your maids~

Avyanna: You were so gonna say tortured right!?

Edira: *Hums a tune~


Edira: What?~

Avyanna: Ugh! Whatever!!!

Edira: Did you already eat your breakfast?

Avyanna: Hmm, not yet. Why?

Edira: Pfft- so that's why your cranky!~ Hahaha!!!

Avyanna: Arghhh!!! (Storms off)

Edira: Hey wait up!!! (Catch up with Avy)




Later in the Carriage...

Edira: Ready to go Avy?

Avyanna: Yeah... how about you? Are you ready to see what happened to that past Empire of yours?

Edira: Yeah...

Avyanna: Hey, no matter your decision is I will always support you, Edira.

Edira: Really?

Avyanna: Of course! You're my cousin after all. Also, I love you as a sister so don't you dare try to leave me. Kay?

Edira: Pfft-!!! Yeah, yeah. Drama queen~~~

Avyanna: (Rolls her eyes) I love you too...

Sebastian: Ahem! Princesses, we already arrived at the Castina Empire.

Edira: Is that so? Please help the others, Sebastian.

Sebastian: Princess Edira are you sure you and Princess Avyanna don't need help getting down the carriage?

Avyanna: Yes, we don't.

Sebastian: Alright then princesses. I will take my leave now.

Edira & Avy: (Nods)

Avyanna: Do we need to go down and walk???

Edira: Yes, Idiot. Now stop being lazy and get out!!! (Kicks Avyanna out of the Carriage)

Avyanna: (Lands gracefully on both feet) That hurts, Edira!!!

Edira: Stop being lazy then!!!

Avyanna: Hmph! Whatevs~

???: Ah! Princess Avyanna, Princess Edira you've finally arrived!

Edira: Huh? (Oh her...) Greetings, Empress Jieun Castina. my cousin and I are honored to be invited into your Empire. (Tch! Not really...)

Jieun: Oh! There's no need for formalities!~ Anyways, it's finally nice to meet you, Princess Avyanna!

Avyanna: It's nice to meet you too, Empress Jieun!

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