Chapter 1

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George was never the type to be jealous. In all honesty, he never really had any reason to be jealous considering school was more important to him than some random guy. He stood by this completely, that is, until Dream Anderson walked into his life. George had known of the baseball star for a while, but had never really interacted with him. Dream was the only thing the girls in their grade could talk about, almost as if he was some kind of God. George never really understood it until just the other day.

"Don't worry about me Wilbur, I'm just going to the library for some extra studying," George smiled widely at the other boy. Straining a bit from the weight of the heavy textbooks in his arms. 

"Don't overwork yourself," Wilbur said, pointing an accusing finger at George, who went cross-eyed at the gesture. 

Taking a step back George proceeded to roll his eyes and push the finger away,"I know, I know, no more than an hour." Wilbur seemed satisfied with that answer and quickly gave a goodbye before heading down the hallway and presumably out of the school. With a sigh of relief, George turned the corner and walked the short distance to the school's library. He entered the decently sized room and set his stuff at a table in the corner before moving to one of the various shelves. Of course, George was in the library to study, but he also wanted to pick up a book to take home and read. Noticing an interesting title near the top, he got on his tip toes to reach up and try and grab it. He was able to reach, but not enough to not have to worry about knocking off at least half of the shelf. Glaring at the book in annoyance he reached again. After a second, his breath hitched as he felt a hand reaching over him and grabbing the book.

George spun around quickly to look at the looming figure behind him. "Hi," he managed to squeak out, leaning into the bookcase to create space between them. George immediately recognized the figure as Dream Anderson, the school's dreamboat.

"This is the book you wanted...?" Dream asked after a moment of silent between them. George could only nod in response, reaching for the book, 'Isle of Dream', held out to him. Dream shot him a bright smile before turning and walking away.

George could feel the heat in his cheeks from the interaction, shaking his head a bit to calm himself down. He rushed back to his table, gathering his things as he decided he was ready to just go home.

George slammed his head back into the wall behind him as he let out a groan at the memory. Wilbur, who was sitting next to him shook his head in response, "It's not a big deal, everyone's head over heels for him." Wilbur just shrugged, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"I am not in love with him, Will," George replied, exasperated. Stretching out a bit as the back of his head pounded from the unwanted abuse it had just received.

Wilbur gave him a skeptical glance, but said nothing more on the topic. In the new, gladly accepted, silence, George let his gaze wander around the rest of the court yard. Without a second thought, his gaze landed on the boy in question, Dream. He watched the other male stand up and leave his friends, heading towards another table. George begrudgingly looked away from Dream in favor of seeing where he was headed. The destination was obvious, a group of girls were chattering away and one was being given special attention by her friends as soon as Dream's approaching figure was noticed.

George narrowed his eyes as Dream talked to the girl. He recognized her as Andrea, someone who he shared a class or two with. The only things he knew about her were the fact she was on the tennis team and was extremely attractive. A strange feeling settled itself in George's stomach at the sight of them talking and he wasn't exactly sure what it was.

"So are you coming?" George heard Wilbur ask him, suddenly snapped out of the trance he was in.

George looked over at the other boy confused, "coming..?" he prompted, a sheepish smile gracing his features.

"Over to my place, to hang out? Play some Minecraft?" Wilbur rolled his eyes knowing he had been ignore, "unless you have other plans.." Wilbur motion towards Dream and Andrea as George scratched the back of his head nervously.

George gave a more confident smile to his friend, "Yeah, I'm down, just-" George's voice was cut off by the bell signifying the end of lunch. He waited for it to finish ringing before continue, "just give me the details over text."

Wilbur gave a wave and a smile to his friend before the separated going in opposite directions to their respective classes. George sighed in relief, glad to be away from the boy who would probably only interrogate him when they got together this weekend. He spent the rest of the school day barely able to concentrate, only paying any mind to the class when he was specifically called on. George had to get over this crush and he had to get over it fast, at least before it started affecting his grades. He found all he could think about was Dream and he didn't need the distraction. Besides, Dream had Andrea, it's not like he was looking for anyone, especially not someone like George, right?

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