Getting Married

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Yasmin's ammi Shahista was in her early 30's. She got married at age of 12, after losing 2 children due to premature delivery she delivered Yasmin at age 17.
She always think that education is not for girls and girls duty is to learn household chores and take care of her in-laws.

Ammi! Ammi! (Screamed Yasmin while making dinner)

Shahista: What happened? Girls don't scream!! Just behave yourself or your in laws will kick you out of the house after marriage.

Yasmin: Sorry!! Ammi I want 50rs.

Shahista: What you will do, With this much money?

Yasmin: Ammi, I want to buy racket and shuttle to play with my friends. Yesterday you gave 200rs to Rehan for buying bat and ball.

Shahista: He is boy, he can play outside. But you can't go outside and play. What if anybody kidnapped you!! You have grown up now.

Yasmin: But Ammi!! 😞

Shahista (cutting her sentences in between): Stop arguing! I am going to fix your marriage in nearby village. Just go to your house and leave us, we already had so much burden on our head.

Yasmin: Ammi, I want to study and be self dependent.

Shahista: Don't you dare to say this again, girl doesn't study. At night I will ask your father to get you married as soon as possible, after your marriage we will think about your younger sisters.

At night,
Shahista asked to Abdullah: I think that we should get Yasmin married, she has grown up now.

Abdullah: But she is just 14, how she will manage after marriage.

Shahista: I also got married at 12, and managed all the things. We have 5 more daughters just think about them.

Abdullah: Have you searched any groom for her.

Shahista: Yes, yesterday our neighbour Rumaana told me about one groom.
He is from nearby village and earn 6,000rs per month.

Abdullah: What is his age and how many members are their in his family?

Shahista: He is 26 years old and has 7 members in his family; parents, 3 brothers ages between 5 to 12 and two twin sisters of age 2 years.

Abdullah: He earn only 6,000rs. How he will be able to took care of our daughter.

Shahista: You also earn only 7,000rs. But we manage to get 2 times meal and to send our son in a good school.

Abdullah: Ok, do whatever you are okay with!!

Shahista 😊: Tomorrow we will set her relationship.

Next day,

They set yasmin's relationship with Razzaq, and fixed next month date for marriage.

This one is my first story, hope you people like it. Comment if you want it's next part by tomorrow.
Waiting for your guys response ☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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