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Sorry guys, I know this is weird but I want it to stop and I need somewhere to rant. Thanks:)
Why is everyone hating on Twilight? No, it isn't a sappy romance chickflick movie. No, Bella isn't a whiny teenage brat who is to attached. Twilight is a powerful love story that tells how Bella knew that her love for Edward was unbreakable. He proved that his matched hers when he left her. He knew that, as bad as it hurt to let her go, it was best for her. She put herself in danger just so she could see him again. That isn't desperate. That's compassion. And, honestly, I am willing to stand up to anyone over this. If anyone puts a comment on this over how they don't like it, they will be reported. I just don't get how such a brave, powerful love story can be viewed as a bad thing! Oh, and, if you happen to be a rare beauty that is called a twihard, please comment or, better yet, PM me. This will automatically enter you into the WBN, wattpad braves Network, which is a group for Potterheads, twihards, Runners (TMR), falters (TFIOS), etc. Please do!
Srry for that, had to get it out. Thankyer!!!

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