Adonis x Reader - Lunchbox

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Yesterday evening, Adonis had some free time and made Y/N a lunchbox. Y/N had her classes first so when Adonis woke up, she was already at school.

He gets up and sees the lunchbox he has made for you the other day. As he was almost late, he considered the lunchbox to be way more important than some classes. He picks it up and rushes outside. I have to get this back to her, she won't have anything to eat!!

As he rushes there for Y/N, she is having fun and not even thinking about not having food for lunch, besides, she had money to buy food in case she really gets hungry.

He reaches to her classroom in a cold sweat as she was at her desk counting her money to see if she had enough for a decent sandwich. He knocks at the door and a girl goes over to open it. At the door, he sat as the girl who opened the door froze in fear. She turned around shaking and screamed out for Y/N in a shaky voice.

"Y-Y/N...uhm..I think...s-someone is h-her for yo-u..." she said as Adonis was worrying for her to not pass out.

Y/N turns her head around and saw her personalized lunchbox in his soft big hands. She looked at him as she was thinking how cute he looked with the pink lunchbox tied with a ribbon in his big and manly hands.

Y/N ran to him as the scared girl walked away trying to calm herself down. Y/N jumped to him and tied him in a big and lovable hug. She took her lunchbox out of his hands so he could carry her. She kissed him all over the place as he smiled while trying to keep you up and not fall over.

He eventually had to leave as his class was starting, you, however, had a longer break so you went to your desk and opened the lunchbox revealing the cute heart-shaped eggs along with sticky rice in the shape of balls decorated with seeds to indicate a puppy face, on the other side was a small sandwich that had absolutely everything you'd want. Along with the sandwich, there were two or three tiny dog shaped chocolates along with a small note that said: 

"Eat up! <3 -Adonis"

A/N: omg;-; this was kinda short srry;-; but true king :3

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