chapter 4

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"I'm surprised it didn't get raided," Mando said, inspecting Rhi's small ship. She obviously took great care of it. He looked back at the Razor Crest. He was due for a tune-up.

"I paid the mech-droids extra to take care of the ship," she replied, pointing to the small building a few meters away from the ship. She boarded her ship, motioning for Mando to follow her aboard. "I'll need your help getting my weapons."

She showed him to her armory, and Mando stopped breathing for a second. The whole hull was fitted with shelves and mounts.

"Maker," he mumbled.

"Y'like it?" She grinned. She took a long-rifle off the wall and showed it to Mando. "This is my Neimoidian rifle. It's scoped, and the bayonet at the end is useful. Picked it up after a bounty on an old trade-federation planet. My quarry had this beauty. Figured I could take it and the payment. It's my favourite rifle, but it hasn't seen action in a while."

She put it back on its mount and then took a smaller blaster off the wall, "This is my Crusader M-XII pistol. I fought in the Battle of Restuss in 1 ABY. Everyone who fought received one of these. It shoots up to 35 meters. I'm told it was manufactured by Mandalorian Crusaders."

He nodded. "May I see it?"

She handed the pistol to him, letting him inspect it. She then pulled off two daggers from the wall. "This is the Loag dagger. I've never used it."

"Wait, I thought that was stolen from the Galactic Museum on Corusant."

"Who do you think stole it?" She smirked. He handed her pistol back to her and she stuffed it in her thigh holster. "This one is my D'skar dagger. I bought it for 150 credits on Coyn."

"And what about the rest of these?" Mando asked, motioning to the rest of the blasters and knives.

"Some clients couldn't pay in credits. So, they paid in weapons. I don't mind. Some of these are worth more than what any client could pay. And if I brought in a quarry dead, they usually let me keep their weapons. That's how I got my DH-447 sniper rifle and my A294 blaster rifle. The Kashyyyk Long gun was a gift from a Wookie that I helped while I was out on a bounty. The A-212 battle pistol was a gift from a Twi'lek that I used to run with."

"You have shikkars," Mando said, pointing at the two glass blades that were mounted behind a glass case. "Those are Sith weapons."

"You have a good eye. My... partner. The Mandalorian. He gave them to me. That's why they're behind the glass. They're single-use only. The hilt breaks off the blade once you stand someone. The glass breaks inside the body. It's supposedly incredibly painful, and a slow death on top of that."

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