Chapter One: Digging into Familial Roots (Part One)

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**Hello hello everyone! I know I'm starting a new story, and I can't really keep up with my other one *Steadily ignores third story* as it is. But this idea would NOT leave me alone, and there's nothing else like this, at least not that I've found. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and write this! It seems that I do nothing but crossovers *Again ignores third story*.

I'm not going to give this a rating, but I'm making it clear from the very start that this story does NOT contain anything bad or inappropriate. I don't write those sort of things. Maybe there will be light cursing (And I said MAYBE: the only reason why there would be any at all is because of Romano. Him only. No one else.) but that's it.

Also, I realize that maybe not everyone knows what this crossover is between. If you don't, why are you really reading it then? Just kidding, read whatever you want. This is a crossover between Percy Jackson (more specifically Heroes of Olympus) and Hetalia. If you don't know what either of those are, go google them.

WARNING RIGHT NOW. This WILL contain spoilers for Blood of Olympus. If you haven't gotten the opportunity to read it yet, and don't want any spoilers, than I suggest that you wait until after you've read it to read this. There aren't really any spoilers for Hetalia, though, because to be quite honest, it's nearly impossible to spoil Hetalia. Imagine how that conversation would go....

Le me (or other Hetalian): Oh, and I loved that one fight between England and France, it was so funny-

Random Person: OMG, SPOILER!! I haven't gotten that far yet!!

Le me: ..........It's historical that they've always fought....

Person: OMG STOP IT!!!

Le me: .................................

And yes, I know Hetalia isn't *Quite* historically accurate, but they do use a lot of history to inspire little stories, so eh.

Um, maybe that's it. OH! Another thing! There WILL be ships in here! Mostly your main ones, like Percabeth, Jiper, Frazel, Caleo, SPOILERsolangeloSPOILER, GerIta (Germany x North Italy), and USUK (America x England). If you don't like any of those ships, you don't have to read if you don't want to. This won't really be heavily romantic, though, so if you can stomach it you're welcome to stick around for the plot and comedy. Mostly comedic plot.

Okay, NOW that's it. At least now none of my author's notes should be this long. Seriously, this is almost 500 words in itself! Almost more than my average chapter length! *Frowns*

Anywho, I'll start the!!**


Chapter One: Digging into Familial Roots

     Nico sighed slightly, leaning back into the bed order to receive as much comfort as he could for his aching...well, everything. The camp had just finished a game of Capture the Flag, with Athena and Hephaestus being the two leading Cabins. The Hades Cabin (Usually just Nico, but Hazel was visiting for awhile, so now there was someone else sleeping in the dark cabin with him, which Nico admitted silently to himself that he quite liked it.) had been allied with the Athena Cabin, along with Aprhodite, Poseidon (Percy), Demeter, and several other smaller cabins. Hephaestus had Zeus, Hermes, Aries, various other cabins, and....Apollo.

That meant that Nico had been playing against Will Solace, and he would be lying if he said it hadn't been a strange sort of competition/game.

     Nico knew that he liked Will, a lot, but he also knew that there was no way that he was ready to confess his feelings to the blonde. Just thinking about it made him feel nervous. Besides, he wasn't really looking for a relationship like that at the moment anyway. He had time to sort out the depths of his feelings, and then try to figure out a way of expressing them. For now, he was fine with spending a lot of time with Will as friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2015 ⏰

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