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"what do you mean i have to cover for you? isn't this only your third meet together?" junkyu spoke in a distressed tone, slapping his hand onto his forehead as he listened to the male on the other line. at this moment, he was on the phone with doyoung, who was currently trying to get him to tutor haruto that afternoon. "doyoungie, i already have.. plans."

junkyu looked around at his bedroom, he didn't have plans, but doyoung didn't know that. "oh come on, please! i got asked out today and im not losing my chance because of you and your so-called plans." doyoung spat back over the phone, some sounds of shuffling following suit. the brunette who was lying on his bed at that moment took the phone from his ear, checking the time on his phone for a moment.

"okay, fine, i'll cover for you." junkyu spoke with a defeated sigh, an excited 'yes!' from doyoung on the other line being his first response. "only if you do my homework for me for the next two weeks." he then added with a smirk, of course, doyoung couldn't see it, but he knew the other could sense it.

"oh fine whatever! just get here before you're too late, you don't want to get-" that's when junkyu hung up, he decided he heard enough of what doyoung had to say. he then started getting his things together and soon made his way back to the school building.

when he arrived, he booked it to the classroom he saw doyoung go to the last couple of meets. he stood on his toes to try and see into the door window, seeing a lone male sitting in one of the seats. it was exciting almost, he was going to tutor a total teenage badass for a day! doyoung didn't know what he was missing out on, honestly. so, junkyu opened the door to the classroom, causing the male in the seat to turn around. when he did, junkyu's expectations were completely blown out of the water by his appearance.

haruto, the boy he now had to tutor for that day, was absolutely stunning. his hair was brown and fluffy, it looked incredibly soft, and if junkyu didn't have the sense he would've gone to pet it. when their eyes had met, junkyu felt incredibly intimidated by the other, his eyes were dark and had a sense of carelessness deep within them.

"hello, sorry i'm late, this was a bit last minute." junkyu spoke up, trying to mask his inner nervousness now that he learned that this teenage badass was beautiful. "my name is junkyu, and i'll be tutoring you today. you're haruto, right?"

junkyu pulled a chair up to sit down in front of haruto, putting his hand out once he sat down. he looked at the other expectantly, thinking he would shake his hand and greet him back but...

"where's doyoung?" was the response he was given, along with a bored stare. he then realized this would be much harder than he had expected, but it was okay, he could handle a challenge. he chewed at his bottom lip as he then tried thinking of another way to go at this.

"um, doyoung had an emergency, so i'm covering for him today. is that okay?" junkyu then answered, taking his hand away as he figured haruto wasn't going to shake it. haruto stared at him silently for a second before shrugging his shoulders and slouching back into his seat. "well... why don't you tell me about yourself then?"

junkyu wanted to so badly gush over how cool he thought the male sitting before him was, but maybe it was too soon to do that. hell, he barely even knew him, so that would probably just be weird.

"my name is haruto." ...junkyu already knew that piece of information. "and i like rock music." well, be didn't know that, but was it much of a surprise? then, haruto went back to being silent and junkyu felt awkwardness engulf him at that moment.

"okay, well it's nice to meet you haruto who likes rock music." junkyu smiled, hoping that maybe he would get some kind of response from haruto for his joke. but, he figured he wouldn't wait it out when haruto hadn't even budged in his seat. "you're doing tutoring for math right? this shouldn't be too hard then, much easier than english "

when he said his joke, he looked to haruto again, seeing a slight smirk tug onto his lips. it wasn't much, but it was progress in junkyu's eyes. haruto took out the textbook and a few assignments without a word, and junkyu jumped right into the first problem. every time he worked out a part of the problem as an example, he would make sure haruto was listening or at least processing what he was saying.

...and before they knew it, they were on the second to last problem on the last worksheet. if junkyu had to be honest, it wasn't nearly as hard as he expected it to be. haruto was a pretty good listener it seemed, that or he was good at copying what junkyu wrote on the paper. the sitting position they were in had changed drastically over the time they spent together, junkyu had moved his seat to sit beside haruto at some point. the arrangement made it so their shoulders bumped up against each other's almost every time they would write down something, but neither of them did something about it.

"we did pretty well, don't you think?" spoke junkyu happily, his arms stretching up above his head as he did so. he grabbed his phone afterward to check the time, a smile coming to his face when he saw it. "we even have a few minutes to spare afterward."

during the past hour they spent working together, junkyu had quickly learned that haruto didn't talk very much. well... he didn't talk to him that much, maybe he was more talkative with friends. who were his friends though? junkyu probably wouldn't have a clue, seeing as he didn't even know who haruto was until a few weeks ago. he looked at haruto, seeing that he was starting to pack his things back up.

"you can go ahead and leave, we're done anyways." junkyu spoke quietly, looking down to his hands while he waited for a response. when he saw haruto stand up out of the corner of his eye, he looked up from his hands, their eyes meeting when he did.

"thank you." haruto finally spoke, his tone was pretty monotone and he couldn't sound anymore uninterested. despite this, it made junkyu smile much brighter than what he may of wanted to. "bye junkyu." he waved to the other and slung his backpack strap over his shoulder, then, just like that he was out of the room.


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