03 ▪︎Lost▪︎

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Sᴜᴘᴘʀᴇssᴇᴅ ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴs ᴄᴀɴ ᴋɪʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ
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[Jimin's POV]

"You've changed," I mutter, not knowing what else to say, feeling utterly lost.

She hums in response, tilting her head,
"I remember you saying you like dancing."

A wave of goosebumps covers my body as I shift my weight from one leg to another, gulping down as I run my hand through my tousled hair before bringing it under my wet nose. "I don't think it's a good idea."

"Just take your shoes off, and let the music do its magic, partner," she whines, pressing the bottom of the remote in her hand as the music starts blaring from the speakers. I find it hard to control my body, as the subtle notes invade my ears.

I feel how she takes both my arms, slowly dragging to the center of the empty hall, where the mirror that covers the whole wall reflects our silhouettes.

Needless to say, I'm oblivious why she is doing this or how I ended up here when I walked into this building with a firm decision, but every time I shoot her an inquiring look, she peers at me with glistening eyes, with eyes full of energy, enthusiasm, and something that I haven't seen in so long, hope.

Soon enough I lose myself in music, letting my body move on its own as I close my eyes giving in to the familiar feeling in my stomach. While my brain screams at me to stop, my body dances, legs and hands moving swiftly in rhyme, toe touching heel.

I start mumbling, as my body moves smoothly, "Saute arabesque, balance en tournant, pirouette, run, run, grand jeté." And as my eyelids remain closed, a figure of a woman appears in front of my eyes, as I see her watching me with a proud smile as she claps slowly. Mom?

I freeze, breathing heavily, as I open my eyes as if it's an emergency, only to realize the music has long ended and the loud claps that echo in my head are coming from Mia.

I pant, letting go of shallow breaths, as my knees give up, and I collapse on the linoleum floor, slowly dragging my body to the wall as I lean my back towards the mirror.

I close my eyes again, letting the darkness envelop my mind again, as vivid images pass in front of my eyes one after another.

Blood, lots of crimson blood, broken glass, headlights, screams, sirens. Mom. Her unmoving blue irises glued on me as her hold loosen gradually, and my name remains unsaid on her lips.

Pulling my legs into my chest I bury my face in my knees as my hands reach up and clutch my black hair in two fistfuls, pulling them out with all might as if the pain in my head will somehow nullify the pain in my chest.

I don't know how long I stayed like that, but when I left my head again I feel a presence next to me.

"Can I ask you something?" She purrs, while spinning her lollipop in her mouth, as she stares ahead of her.

I hum, indicating to go on, "but you have to be honest," Mia states, as I place my head on my knees staring at her, while she doesn't bother to look my way, "I don't need a lie."


"How do you feel, Jimin?" I'm cut off guard, as she announces her question. "Angry? Sad? Depressed?"

Any other time anger would fill my veins, making me snap at her, but it's like I don't have enough energy to be angry, I don't have enough energy to live, why would I? I tried, all these years I really tried to live on, but the gruesome event from four years ago still traps me in its deadfall.

Hiding my face from her I ask the same question to myself. How do I feel?

"Lost," I mumble, barely opening my mouth, "useless...worthless..." my voice breaks as I stop.


I don't know when, and why, but I just know that at some point I started pouring my soul out in front of a practical stranger.

"It was on my Thirteenth birthday, it wasn't supposed to end that way..." I pause feeling how water blocks my vision, "it was raining and..." the invisible noose tightens around my neck making me choke, "my father lost control of the car...my mom shielded me with her bo-"

I don't finish as a suppressed sob breaks out. I let myself feel the pain that burns my chest as my body shakes while I cry letting go of the devastating emotions built up in me. I never talked, I never cried, so why am I now?

Images of my mother smiling at me, my father holding my hand pass in front of my eyes. Why them? Why didn't I die that day? Why!?

I cry uncontrollably, the screaming sobs only interrupted by my need to draw breath, I cry like my spirit needs to break loose from my skin, desperate to release an elemental rage on the world.

I feel an arm around my posture, as the scent of sweet candy hits my nose, and I'm pulled into the warm swaddle of her embrace. "Don't let it build up to the point you end up on that rooftop again."

"Thank you, Mia," my voice is hoarse, raw and raspy, as I speak through quiet sobs.

She circles her hand on my back, as she speaks gently, "my name is Ria, partner," her voice is melodic and subtle, and somehow comforting, "just try to get it wrong one more time, I dare you!"

I lift my head, seeing her features through my blurry vision as a small chuckle breaks out from my mouth.

I lift my head, seeing her features through my blurry vision as a small chuckle breaks out from my mouth

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