Chapter One

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"Anyone? I need to find my pups. Their are four with the cutest little nose." Brooke, a border collie mother, searched and asked everyone who she ran into. Brooke had given pups only two months ago and had been constantly loosing them. Ever since they could walk and bark they have gotten into quite alot of mischeif. For example last week they were caught trying to swim in the river not even many grown dogs could handle.
The Alphas and Beta were having a meeting about some odd sents near the meadow. The Beta had just sent off a couple of hunters with the Delta to find some prey. They had only gotten to the trees when Brooke recieved the messege of her pups following the Scouts to the meadow.
Brooke raced to her pups and tugged them but their ears. They were not too big to be carried by the scruff either.
"You pups gave me a heart attack! Can't you just behave and play around the burrow?" Brooke raged. This was her first litter and she hadn't stopped worring about them.
"Well mother," The little grey one yelped. "We wanted to help catch some prey with the scouts!"
Brooke rolled her eyes and tryed to keep from laughing. "Well, what if you got lost? Moon can't walk very far with her twisted paw."
Moon frowned and squeaked. "I can take care of myself! You act like I am three days old!"
"Get in the burrow all of you!" Brooke barked and pushed them all in the entrnance. She sighed and scampered over to relax with the other mothers.
In the pack, when females have pups they get a nine month break from duties to watch their pups. At nine months, pups go to training and train to become an Attacker, Scout, or Sentinel. Moon could not wait. It was her dream to hunt like her parents. Her father, Thorne, is one of the best hunters in the pack. He had to work extra hard when his mate was staying with the pups.
"That was fun!" Sprout, the oldest pup and identicle to Pebbles, yelped.
"Ya, until the part where we almost drowned in the river, attacked by a hawk, and caught by our screaming mother." Blossom squeaked. "I am not even sure why I agree to these 'Adventures.'"
"Come on didn't you just feel so alive!" Moon yapped. Blossom went in the coner and flopped down to rest.
Their burrow was dark and covered in leaves and bones. Moon didn't like it very much but it was cozy and safe from hawks and owls. Pebbles laid on his back and rubbed his belly with his paw.
"I am starved. When is father going to be back!" He groaned.
"You are always hungry." Sprout slapped his belly and recieved a growl. They tussled and fought. Moon could hardly believe Blossom could sleep though that.
She peaked out the entrance and could see the sun set and the stars that started to glow. She closed her eyes and imagined her running through the forest and splashing in the water with straight and normal paws. She woke from her daydream by the bark of the Delta, Sparrow, returning from hunting with the Scouts. Moon reached down and rubbed her twisted paw.
Moon hopped out of her burrow to greet her father. He was carring a large grey rabbit and a plump robin. Her father dropped the prey by our hole and rubbed noses with Brooke.
"Brought home double!" Her father barked and Pebbles instantly appeared hungry to eat. They all ripped the meat of the prey with satisfaction.
"I see hunting went well." Her mother barked gently. She looked behind her to see everyone had atleast two juicy pieces of prey.
"Yep, we even spotted deer. Guess who killed it." They all moved their attention to the lab and golden dog family. They had a doe and foal. Everyone rolled their eyes.
They had the biggest family so they are the only ones to hunt large animals. North comands the pack to hunt large animals together and then split it but the labs and golden dogs race and kill it before the rest can group together.
A lab, Sparrow, and a golden dog, Sunn, just had pups before Moon and her sibling were born.
"Well, when our pups grow up we can all hunt together." Brooke tryed to cheer them up.
"Ya." Thorne barked and then grinned. "Say. . . Anyone want to hear a story?"
"Ya!" They all cheered.
"Okay, there I was in the middle of the forest lost from the other hunters," he began. "It was all quiet till a giant bear appeared out of the tall pines trees. I had accidentally stepped onto its territory. I hesitated but then I realized what I had to do."
Pebbles interrupted. "But father, a bear is a ten times your size!"
"Exactly why I had to out-smart him. I may be smaller than that bear but one thing is for sure: I am way smarter than him. I weaved through his legs dodging his swipes! After a while my legs were about to give in so I made a sprint hoping to outrun that monster. Eventually I came to a bramble bush full of thorns but, my only chance of survival was to crawls through. My slim and tiny size allowed me to, and the bear thrashed and clawed the brambles. And a sharp pain went through me and the bear pierced off-" Thorne turned around to show them the tiny nub that used to be his fluffy tail. "Everyone therefore called me 'Thorne' for my terrifying experience."
There was a silence and then Sprout barked. "Wow. I have heard that story a hundred times but it never gets old!"
"Ya, weren't you scared!" Pebbles asked.
"Of course I was. I mean, who isn't afriad of a bear ten times yourself with claws?"
"Nobody." Blossom barked quietly.
"Well time for sleep kids." Brooke barked and nudged the pups into the burrow and they all settled in together.
Her father was large and fast. His breed was the same as hazelnut and her two brothers. They almost resemble a wolf like dog but more humain than those nasty creatures. Moon wondered if she would ever learn to be as a good hunter as he was. Though she also wondered where her father came from. They had no other family in the pack besides Brooke's parents who died before the pups we born. Then she remembered her father's story. He was here as an Scout. But where was he before that? Was her father's story taken in the pack or before that?
Moon was distracted by a terrible thought. What if she found a bear? She could die. She could never outrun a bear with her leg flopping behind her. She was excited for training sinse she opened her eyes, but for once she felt afraid. Afraid of what could be out there.
Moon couldn't sleep or close her eyes or the bear would get her. Pebbles kicked her in the ribs which didn't help trying to sleep. Finally she decided to close her eyes ignore the world and her surroundings.

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