Witches in Pants, Wizards in Skirts

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Ginny looked at herself in the mirror. Ugh! Why do witches have to wear skirts? They were quite uncomfortable. And she wasn't the only one who thought this. She heard Hermione and Parvati complain on multiple occasions. However, Ginny wouldn't have to wear this dreadful skirt for much longer. Her mum was sending her some pants this week. After Ginny complained about it in one of her letters, her mum wrote back saying that she'll buy her pants the next time she goes shopping.

Ginny picked up her school bag and headed down to breakfast. When she got there, she saw Ron sitting next to Hermione and was trying to get her attention but failing miserably because her nose was stuck in a book.

"H-Hermione I was just wanting to know if you wanted to maybe go to Hogsmeade this weekend?" Ginny heard Ron ask Hermione. Oh my god, is he trying to ask her out? Well if he is, he is failing miserably.

"We go every weekend Ron, how would this be different?" Hermione asked not looking up from her book. She then looked at her watch. "Oh my! I'm gonna be late for charms!" And then quickly packed up her things and left.

Just then, Fred and George arrived and sat down on either side of Ron. "Tyring to ask Granger out, Ronnikiens?" Fred asked, taking a bite of bacon from Ron's plate.

"Good luck with that, mate," George said as he took a piece of sausage from Ron's plate. Ron became red in the face. "Why do I need luck?" He asked, anger rising in his voice. Fred and George shared a look. Fred looked back at him.

"Well, little brother, why would Granger go out with you when she could have an older Weasley? Or perhaps two?" 

Ginny sensed that Ron was getting really angry and she motioned for her brothers to run. They did as they were told and were out before she knew it. She looked back at Ron. He seemed to calm down a bit but only a bit.

Just then the mail came in. Errol dropped a box in front of Ginny. "Whats that?" Ron asked, now fully forgetting the conversation he just had with his brothers. Ginny barely got any packages from mum.

"Pants," She said simply. Ron looked at her in disbelief.

"Pants? Like for your uniform? Ginny, witches don't wear pants. Wizards wear pants and witches wear skirts."

Ginny ignored his comment. So what if witches should wear skirts? She's a witch and she wants to wear pants so she should wear pants. She excused herself so she can change into some of these pants quickly before her first class.

Throughout the rest of the day, Ginny kept getting strange looks from people. While the boys were giving her looks of confusion and disgust, the girls gave her looks of appreciation. And super, the boys have had enough.

As she was walking back from dinner, a group of Slytherin boys ganged up on her. "Witches wear skirts, Weasel, not pants." Malfoy spat. Ginny's back was facing a wall and the boys surrounded her so there was no way out. She started to get nervous.

"I think we should help her out," He said with an evil smirk. Ginny was now terrified. We're they really gonna do what she thinks they're gonna do?

"Hey, Ferret!" A voice called from behind him. The boys disparted so she could see who the voice belonged to. It was Ron, Fred and George were on either side of him. "Leave my sister alone." He said. His voice showed no sign of anger but that's what made it so terrifying.

"I was just teaching Weaselette a lesson," Malfoy said. "It seems she forgot that witches don't wear pants."

This seemed to make Ron angrier. "Leave her alone." He said. Most of the Slytherin boys had backed up. Malfoy seemed, was still deciding. He turned to Ginny.

"I'm warning you, Weasel," He said and then he and his gang walked away. Ginny sighed in relief.

Ginny didn't notice that Hermione was behind the boys. "Ginny!" She said and practically jumped into Ginny's arms. "Maybe this wasn't the best idea," She whispered.

Throughout the week, Ginny was harassed for wearing pants. Her brothers did all they could to stop the boy's comments from reaching her but in the end, it still wasn't enough. Hermione and Parvati stuck by her side while the other girls started to distance themselves from her and even started spreading rumors about her sexuality. Ginny's self-confidence started to drop. Who knew that just wearing pants would be a living hell?

One day at breakfast, Ginny had her head down while Hermione was reading a book. Hermione let out a small gasp. "Oh. My. God." She said. Ginny looked up. She too gasped. All eyes of the great hall were on the Weasley twins.

Fred and George walked in wearing skirts instead of their pants. They didn't seem to notice the looks and stares but if they did they were unaffected. Suddenly, they spotted Ginny.

"Oi, Ginny!" Fred yelled. Ginny wanted to put her head down at the embarrassment but couldn't take her eyes of her brothers. They walked up to her. "You never told us how comfortable skirts were!" Fred said.

"Yeah but the only problem is that they don't have any pockets," George said. Ginny was speechless. Her two brothers were standing in front of her with skirts on! This. Is. Amazing.

Just then they acknowledged Hermione was sitting across from her. Instead of having a shocked face on, she was grinning from ear to ear. "Like what you see, Granger?" Fred asked, smirking at her.

"I uh...wow." Hermione couldn't stop grinning. Ron was sitting next to her, staring in disbelief at his brothers. 

"What the bloody hell are you wearing?" He asked.

"Well isn't obvious, Ron?" Fred asked, sitting next to Ginny.

"Yeah Ron, it's 1995 get with the times." Said George who took a seat on the other side of Ginny.

Just then, Harry walked in. "Hey did you hear that Fred and George are in skirts? Because I- wow." Harry noticed Fred and George.

"Why is it that the boy who lived is always late for breakfast?" Fred asked, taking a bite of his cereal.

"Yeah, you should be the boy who slept in," George taking a bite of his eggs.

Harry sat down on the other side of Hermione. "I can't believe that you actually had the courage to do that." He said, still staring.

"Don't stare Harry, it's disrespectful," Fred said.

Ron cleared his throat. "You know there might be some rumors that you fancy blokes." He said, looking at his brothers like they had two heads.

Fred and George stared at him. 

"Well, that simply won't do."

"No, it won't."

"We must do something about it." 

"Like what, Gred?"

Fred thought for a moment and then got up and ran to the end of the table. He then ran down the other side of the table. "Fred what are you-" Hermione was interrupted by Fred's lip crashing onto hers.

 Harry had joined Fred and George by wearing a skirt the next day. The day after that, Parvati and Hermione started to wear pants. By the end of the week, all of the Gryffindor girls were in pants and all of the boys in skirts. By the end of the month, Hufflepuff and half of Ravenclaw were in. By next week, all girls were in pants and all boys were in skirts. Excepts for Slytherin of course.

Ginny was happier than ever. She was wearing what she wanted, her best friend was with her brother, and the school started to get a lot more diverse. A lot of students had come out and there were a lot of cute couples together like Dean and Seamus and Lavender and Parvati. She herself was beginning to question things when she became closer to Luna. All in all, this was the best decision Ginny had ever made.

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