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"las malvinas nos pertenecen."


okay, i swear i won't post any more stories (maybe) until cristiada ends. and its a short story so jujujuju. i will most likely post more history stuff. and since SPRING BREAK STARTS TOMORROW, i'll have more time to writeeeee. i just love history. if you knew me in real life, i NEVER shut up about history. i'm always telling people stupid historical facts or stories of people that were once part of history.

and i know the falklands (or as the argentines like to call them 'las malvinas' belong to england). but since this story is about kun, its from the point of view of argentina. so they believed the falklands belonged to them by right. and the quote literally translates to "the malvinas (falklands, take your pick) belong to us."

and yeah, i thought it would make for an interesting story.

-clary xx

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