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(A/N: malfoy kinda cute tho. Not gonna lie . I should make a book about him what you guys think?)


•Your POV •


Seamus let's go of me making me dust my robe. "I'm sorry Seamus we can talk tomorrow." I said sounding more like I was apologizing.

"It's fine. just promise me to help me study for the potions."

I smile holding my pinky out and intwining it with his. "Deal."  I'd whisper to mmhuk before untwining my pinky and walking away.

"Hello (Y/n)."

"Hey Harry-"

I was cut off feeling a arm wrap around me tightly and I look to see the owner of this arm only to see is harry.

"W-What's wrong with Harry?" I'd ask Hermione.

"He-uh... found out."

My eyes widened and then softened. Harry was the protective type seeming as I'm his only family member. Wait scratch that I'm his second family member. If we add Sirius black into this situation.

Wait I forgot about Sirius black. And now he wants to kill me and harry. Oh gosh. I really want to forget that now- I dont want to think about death. Oh wait my parents-


My eyes widened seeing the three looking at me with a concerned look. I laughed nervously before looking infront of me seeing we were infront of Hagrids door.


Harry knocked but now answer  . "Hagrid please answer." Hermione begged also knocking . No answer.

"Hagrid!" Harry  began to shout slightly kicking the door now making me jump slightly.

"Well he obviously isnt answering." Ron muttered.

"No shit ron." I mumbled. "Dont swear." Harry answered while knocking on then door still .

Then the door opened revealing Hagrid. His small beady eyes were puffy and red and he was holding a handkerchief in his hand obviously using it to wipe his tears and unstuff his nose .

"Hello hagrid."  Hermione muttered

We walked in as Hagrid moved away for us to  enter. He slumped on his chair taking a deep breath before sighing. 

"Hagrid there here to kill buckbeat! you have to take him awa-"

"I know. There coming in a few minutes.."

"And they'll kill her at sunset."

I looked at him sadly. "But you'll still be a great teacher!"

"No..they'll sack me I'll just go back to my old job."

"Oh hagrid I'm so sorry." Hermione mumbled sadly.

"That damn Malfoy."

We then heard a faint knock on Hagrids doot making me jump and go behind Harry.

"That must be them!" Hagrid informed Hermione Ron and Harry looked at each other.

"C'mon. Over here!"  Hermione whisperd grabbing Ron's hand and dragging him to the back door and the rest follow.

We hid behind one of Hagrids huge pumpkins and saw buckbeat next to us. I sighed looking at the sleeping form of buckbeat.

"Maybe we could help her!" Hermione suggested.

"That is the most stupidest thin-"

"C'mon (Y/n)."  Hermione grabbed my hand and dragged me to buckbeat.  I simply shrugged as I watched Hermione untie the chains. "C'mon buckbeat we gotta go!"

"(Y/n) come back here!" I heard Harry and I look back at them I sighed.

"So where is that brute?!"

My eyes widened and so did Hermiones hearing an unfamiliar voice. I grabbed Hermiones and and jolted to the boys.

"Are you alright?!" Ron asked and I nodded smiling at him before grabbing his hand .

"We have to go!" Harry insisted crawling at the exit of the little pumpkin farm as Ron followed.

"C'mon Hermione." 

I heard the door fling open revealing a guy with am axe in his hand. I stared in shock before quickly crawling away.

We caught up with the boys as we were speed walking to the castle again. "We have to save her!"

"What and go back?!"

"Yes!" Harry said stopping

We looked back seeing the sunset I covered my mouth in shock heard the blade of the axe only making my eyes water. I felt arms wrap around me and I wipe my tears away.

"That damn Malfoy."

"He's so gonna die."

I saw the owner of the arm only seeing it was Ron. I wrapped my arms around him softly crying.

"Hes so gonna die when I see him." Harry insured once again.

"And suiris to."


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