42 (mcyt)

114 4 27

Name: Ava

Age: 15

Gender: female

Sexuality: bi


Personality: she loves to cuddle and hug people

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Personality: she loves to cuddle and hug people. She's a really quiet person around new people. She loves her older brother and will protect him even though he's older than her.

Likes: she loves to skateboarding around the park. She plays Minecraft with her older brother even though she sucks at it. She can play the guitar and sing. She's really good at drawing

Dislikes: she doesn't like when people are yelling at her or just in general. She hates thunderstorms so when there is one she has to be with someone. She doesn't like bullies since it reminds her of her past

Siblings: she has an older brother who is a YouTuber and part of the Dream SMP. He's super protective of her. His name is Ranboo

Crush: well she has a crush on Tommy and Tubbo so

Other: she rubs her arms and digs her nails in her hands/ arms when she's nervous or having a panic attack. Only Ranboo can calm her down from having a panic attack. She sees Dream as an older brother

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