When they went to school the next day after his death there was a kid they have never seen before and he was sitting alone crying.They went to go see if he was okay.They sat down next to him"hi I'm cece and this is Luke and Anna."cece said "hhh hi I'm Noah .he shuddered.Noah had brown hair that was short and on his bangs was made to go to the left.He was wearing a black hoodie with a blue shirt under and skinny jeans.Luke asked Noah about himself.Noah said that he likes to listen to music,watch wrestling (WWE) and play basketball."Why were you crying?"cece asked."Its because I heard that Hunter had died just last night." They were shocked."Wait we thought you were a new kid."Luke said.Noah and them started talking for hours then they had to go home.They walked to the buses.Cece and Anna had to ride the bus because they don't want to walk home.They got on the bus and Anna sat with Noah,and Luke sat with Cece.Anna and Noah started talking to each other for a while."So Noah tell me about your life"she said."There is not much to tell.I live with my parents,and my two sisters.Also my dog Callie."he said."Hey Noah do you want to be in our group?"Luke asked."Sure id love to"he said.
Lunch was over so they went and walked to class together.It was 3:00 and school was over so they all went and put their computers away then walked to the bus.On the way to the bus they saw a after-school sign up sheet and they put their names on it.When they got on the bus Cece got out her speaker and they played a song.They always sat in the back of the bus.Cece always brought her speaker so she could liten to music with them.Cece would play some 5 seconds of summer songs (lukes band).Cece put on the song rejects ny them and they all sang even Noah.That was their favorite song so they thought that they are in a group so they will name it rejects after their favorite song.