Yandere!mafia!BTS - When they feel jealous

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\ S E O K J I N \

You accompanied with him for dinner with some of his brothers from his gang. At first, he wasn't too sure about it, but you kept insisting, wanting to feel closer to him, by meeting the people he was closest to. He was hesitant about the thought of you being in a room full of men, but he trusted that nothing would happen. Though after the dinner party, you caught the attention of someone that he considered closer to him than anyone else out of all of them. He felt a pang, of anger hit the pit of his stomach as he felt the feeling of betrayal wash over him. He watched with an icy stare, as you turned to smile at him a few times, as he called out to you here and there, to try to strike up a conversation with you. Those smiles, belonged to him. Why would you go and give that to someone else?

You hadn't noticed, but everyone else did and the room became eerily quiet. The man you were talking to hushed, as did you. You then turned around to look over at Jin, who sat with a look of hurt across his face.

"Oh please- Don't stop on my account." He said in a stern way which made you slightly frown.

"I'm sorry baby.."He sighed quietly to you, then cleared his throat. "Can you go wait outside for me in the car. I think it's time I get you home now."

You got up without question and made your way to his car.

After you were out of earshot, he slowly got up and swiftly threw anything off from the table that was within his reach before he gripped the man by his collar, pulling him out of his own seat.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing back there?! I didn't bring her so you could fucking fall in love.You were supposed to be my brother!" He yelled at him as he shook him back and forth. "(YN) is mine, and mine alone do you get that? Do you all get that?!"

\ N A M J O O N \

His anger and jealousy was subtle whenever it came to you. He never liked to show that side of him too much, but whenever he had to , it came out, and it was like he was a different person.

He was usually level-headed about these things and kept it under control, but he just couldn't whenever it came to your birthday party. Your friends thought it would be loads of fun, if you got entertainers, as a surprise. But if you didn't know about it, neither did Namjoon, because they knew that he wouldn't approve of it, especially since the party would be held at one of his clubs that he owned. They knew how serious he was, when it came to you being around other men, but what they didn't know of, was his possessive tendencies.

They decided to do it anyways, rolling their eyes at the thought of Namjoon getting mad. This was your day after all, and they just wanted you to let loose and have a good time. But the minute that those dancers rolled out, and went over to you, lifting you up out of you chair to lead you to the middle of the room, he snapped.

He shut down the music, along with the whole party, demanding everyone to leave. As your friends hurried out , he glared at them, telling them that he never wanted them around you ever again. After everyone had gone, he went over to you, where you sat upset. You couldn't believe he had acted this way in front of everyone. He sighed as he knew he let his anger get the better of him again, and hated himself for getting you down on your day. All he could do was crouch down in front of you and hope that you didn't leave him that night.

"Babe- look at me...I'm so sorry...but when I saw them take you like that..I just went crazy, y'know?"

\ Y O O N G I \

Being the busy man that he was, he tried his best to be there for you. He hated being apart from you for too long, in fear of you growing sad or you getting hurt. He longed to be at home, cuddling with you in bed, but he knew that he needed to be tough and go throughout his duties he had. He became frustrated with himself, as he drove, one hand on the steering wheel, the other tangled in his hair. He couldn't shake you off of his mind while he worked. He worried about you terribly. Did you have breakfast? Did you remember to lock the door behind you? Then he came to a screeching halt as he hit the brakes.

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