it, that, he.

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Aaron took small unready steps towards the place we wish he never had to be, where he lied, where whenever when you point your fingers there's already three pointing back at you. Aaron stared at what was engraved on the stone, "Callum Moores." His childhood best friend, the one that never stopped caring and loving everyone else but himself. He knew Callum wouldn't be back, ever. He eyed his mother's grave across the cemetery, looking back at the flowers he placed on the grave, few tears rolled down Aaron's face. It was months ago now that he saw it. 'It' was traumatic, it was an event that changed the school, the ones that wanted Callum dead, the ones that didn't even know him. The cliche popular groups, the jocks. Himself mostly, he blamed himself now, he knew Callum was suffering but was too..selfish, caught up in 'the secret' that Callum knew deep down wasnt just a suspicion. It was real, Aaron cant go back, Aaron can't say it to his face, he could only hope that Callum knew. Knew what he really felt, knew that he  didn't mean 'that'. He's only 'that' himself. He wiped his eyes, sighing. Nothing felt real, he wished it wasn't. The silence was deafening, driving him insane. He missed the laughs, he missed the crying, he missed the trust and loyalty, he missed Callum. It was a constant empty feeling, a feeling he knew and recognised. So empty he felt guilty. Aaron now understood the long sleeves in every situation, he now understood everything. He understood Conor. He understood Gregory. He now understood that he needs to let him go and reveal the truth.

"..Love you too, Cal."

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