Day 6- Hot Chocolate Contest and Christmas Movies

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It's eight in the morning, and Cady and Janis are on the couch watching TV and having their morning coffee. Ember walks into the room with her favorite fuzzy blanket. She joins them on the couch and leans against Cady who hugs her in close.

"Good morning Embs. How did you sleep, baby girl?"

"Good, Mommy. I had a dream about Lion though." Cady and Janis sigh. Ember misses that dog so damn much. Ember starts crying into Cady's shoulder, and Janis gets up so she is closer to her seven-year-old daughter. They both do their best to comfort her, and soon enough her crying slows down to a sniffle. She brings her head up, looking at her moms', and Janis wipes the tears off of her cheeks. She tries to change the subject so Ember can have something good in her day.

"How about we do something fun today." Ember nods, needing something good in her day, and Cady's face lights up with an idea.

"How about we do a little hot cocoa contest with Damian. You can judge Emb." Ember instantly lights up, nodding excitedly. Even Janis thinks it is a good idea. Well, she would've argued knowing Ember with sugar, but she knew Ember needed this in her day. Plus, she wanted to beat Cady and Damian because she has that extremely competitive side that doesn't come out often.

"I'm in, I'll call-" The door opens, and Damian comes in.

"Hey, guys! What's up?" Janis almost forgot that he had a key, but when she remembered, she laughed.

"We were about to call you! You up for a competition to see who can make the best hot chocolate, and Ember judges?" 

"Yeah, I'm ready to win."

"You mean you're ready for me to win."

"No, I meant-" They start playing around, and Cady sighs, just excited to make the hot cocoa.

"Let's just make the hot cocoa." She puts the water on the stove and gets out the hot cocoa mix. As soon as it is done, they set a five-minute timer and rush to the fridge. Ember was preoccupied with the tv since Rudolph was on, and it also ensured that she couldn't cheat to know who made what.

Cady added in some chocolate sauce, mini marshmallows, whipped cream, and some crushed up candy canes. She made it look really pretty because she thought it would make Ember want to vote for her.

Damian put in chocolate sauce, some crushed up chocolate chip cookies, vanilla ice cream, m&m's, and whipped cream. He even added some Oreos to dip in, knowing that Ember loves Oreos. He goes with the sugary approach knowing Ember loves chocolate.

Finally is Janis's hot cocoa. Where do we even start? She put pretty much every topping you could think of in it. It will take forever to list it all, but let's just say that she was distracted when putting the hot sauce in, thinking it was caramel sauce.

The timer goes off, and they put the mugs on the table, calling Ember over.

"Okay Ember, you are going to have a sip from each one, and you will tell us what you think." Ember nods, excited.

Ember first grabs the hot chocolate Damian made and takes a sip, her face instantly lights up, and they all laugh at her reaction. She has another sip, before putting it down to give her honest opinion.

"It tastes so good! Like a chocolate rainbow! I could drink it all day!" Damian laughs and high fives Ember. The girls sigh, but they still have hope. Ember's reaction would be tough to beat.

Ember grabs Cady's mug, and she takes a sip, smiling. She loves mint, and Cady putting it in definitely improved her score in Ember's brain.

"It tastes so good!" They all laugh as Ember takes another sip, already bouncing up and down a bit from all of the sugar.

Ember grabs the final cup and takes a sip. She makes a face, and Janis gives a confused look.

"It's so hot!" They laugh.

"That's the point. It is called hot cocoa after all."

"No, like spicy." Janis looks back at the counter to see her mistake.

"Looks like I grabbed the hot sauce and not the caramel sauce-" They all laugh, while Cady gets Ember a cup of milk to get rid of some of the spicy taste. Once Ember has her milk, she takes a sip, and the taste goes away soon enough. Janis knows she is not going to win, but she wants to know what Ember honestly thinks.

"Okay Emb, we know I'm not winning, but who do you think made it the best?"

"I like Uncle Damian's the best!" Damian cheers, and Cady and Janis laugh. Cady looks at the tv to see Eld is on, their favorite Christmas movie.

"How do you feel about watching Elf?" They all head to the couch and spend their afternoon together, laughing and smiling the whole time.


I just realized that there is no time skip here! Woah, very much unlike me! Well sorry, this one felt a bit shorter to write, but I want to know if you were Ember, what hot cocoa would you vote for? Also off-topic, but I am working on a suicide prevention and awareness project. If you want to help, there is some info on my message board. Thank you, and I'll see you all for the next one! -Kenzie

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