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I've got them, Jean projected out, already in motion before she'd even set the helmet for Cerebro down again. Those creeps have so many hide outs and bases ... ugh.

Blackbird's ready and waiting. I'm relaying all of this to the Avengers, Scott answered before he hit his com to get his team moving. He changed quickly, having kept a uniform in his office to save himself a few minutes. As he rushed out of his office, he very nearly bowled over Jubilee and Zoe, who knew something was up almost immediately since they should have been with the other kids socializing or in the library. Which means they should have gotten yelled at for walking the halls. But instead, all they got from Scott was a look that made it clear that he couldn't afford to be slowed down and a muttered "find something to do" before he almost skipped into a run on his way for the elevator.

Jubilee's entire down expression shifted and a tentative smile graced her features. "Combat uniform ... this is good."

"You have a very weird idea of 'good'," Zoe replied, still frowning after where Scott had disappeared.

Logan watched from the mouth of the cave as the troops finally headed back to the hidden base, driven back by a massive snowstorm that was building outside. It was warm enough in there even without a fire as long as the wind didn't blow directly into the mouth of the cave, so for the sake of keeping hidden, Logan didn't try to light one.

After retreating to one of the further back areas of the cave, K huddled into a ball, her arms around her knees, settling into shock from everything that had happened. After lobotomizing Victor, she'd run with Logan in silence as far as he was willing to push her, unable to answer even the simplest question he threw at her in his attempt to keep her from completely shutting down as they trekked through the woods.

Logan had gotten increasingly more concerned about her as they moved further away from the complex, but he didn't think she was going to react this way. Not when she'd seemed like she was able to spot the traps nearly as well as he could slipping through the woods. But that was then.

As the blizzard picked up outside, Logan made his way over to where K was curled up on her side in the farthest reaches of the cave. She was wet, shivering and seemed to be unconscious.

He glanced around the cave as if he'd find anything useful, swearing to himself for not just killing a couple soldiers so they'd at least be better clothed "I'll go find some wood once I know the patrols are gone," he promised as he took off his mostly dry shirt and draped it over her. "Just try to sleep if you can." He watched her snuggle herself into a little ball before he worked back up to the mouth of the cave, watching the snow blow it shut. It wasn't going to do them any good to hide then go out after the storm was over. Any stealth they had on their side would be completely shot if they had a trail going through the snow pointing out exactly where they were. He had to get her warmed up.

As soon as the cave blew closed, Logan slipped over to her, and spooned her – nothing more than an attempt to share his body heat with her. She stiffened when he first touched her, but relaxed as he spoke to her, finally squeezing her tightly as she settled into him.

"We should have brought Jean," Scott grumbled as they approached the general area that she'd pinged. He had the coordinates of where she'd found them last, but that was hours ago, and as they circled high above the snowy terrain - and even above the swirling blizzard dropping snow with driving winds- he knew that Logan could be nearly anywhere.

Storm gave him a sidelong glance then turned her attention back to the swirling clouds below. "If you can get a closer idea, I can help. But I hate to interfere when it's keeping their forces back," she pointed out.

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