Chapter 9

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Hours of galloping with only the shortest possible breaks took Manfred, Nathan, and Kelly to the Monteraynian capital in an impressive two days, but only at the cost of great exhaustion from both man and beast. Once they came to a halt outside the stable near the castle and knights' hall, Manfred let out a long sigh. He stumbled off his mount while clutching a stiff spine with one hand and wiping sweat off his brow with another. His shoulders tensed when a frigid early morning breeze washed over his face.

With a stretch and a groan, Manfred set himself into motion and stepped over to help Nathan dismount. He offered Kelly his hand afterward, but she refused it and hopped down on her own.

Manfred opened his mouth to speak with Nathan, but then the pounding of hurried footsteps to the south caught his attention. He glanced over to see a pair of young knights dashing from the knights' hall to greet them.

He held up a hand before either of them could speak. "Go back and have Sir Holt come to the castle, one of you. And you," Manfred began, pointing at the other, "go ahead of us. We have information to urgently deliver to his majesty, the princess, and Captain Troy if possible."

The shorter of the two knights nodded and scampered off back to the knights' hall. His comrade, on the other hand, halted after taking one step toward the castle.

"What should I tell them, Sir...Rickland?"

Manfred exchanged a glance with Nathan. "We found the assassin and heard word of an impending Innutukian invasion in the process. If we can meet in the throne room to give further details, that would be appreciated."

After barking out a clipped affirmative, the young man hurried ahead while Manfred, Nathan, and Kelly followed behind at a slower pace. The trio trudged up to one of the side entrances, and after exchanging a glance with the guard watching over it, Manfred pulled the door open. All three of the weary travelers let out sighs upon stepping into the grandiose dwelling place of Monterayne's king.

After winding through the maze of intricately decorated corridors, lined with all manner of tapestries and carvings, Manfred, Nathan, and Kelly found themselves waiting at the impressive wooden double doors to the throne room. The guard on duty assured them their admission into the chamber was imminent.

Just as the man had said, the doors swung open, and a well-groomed servant ushered them in. As Manfred entered, his gaze ascended from the fluffy violet carpet under his feet to the majestic golden throne, upon which sat King Maxwell Alder of Monterayne. He bowed his head upon making eye contact, after which he glanced to the king's right and spotted Princess Kate standing with fidgeting fingers and an impatient expression. To King Maxwell's left, Captain Sloan Troy stood stiff as a statue, much as one would do if a portrait were being composed of them.

Manfred noted the skeptical glances all three figures cast at Kelly on his left before coming to a stop a few feet from the throne and lowering to one knee. He exhaled his entire lungful of air while dipping his head and closing his eyes. The shuffling sounds on either side of Manfred indicated Nathan and Kelly were following his lead.

"Rise." King Maxwell called in his deep, authoritative voice, his tone laced with impatience. "Speak swiftly, Sir Rickland."

Manfred rose to his full height with a wince and straightened his scabbard on his hip. "As we speak, your majesty, enemies of Monterayne are assembling on our western border. Both internal and external. They're coming together to present a unified affront to your authority."

"I should appreciate greater specificity in this matter."

"Of course. Captain Andre Feliz of the Innutukian hordes is leading an invasion force. Assisting them are the Garuntan tribe and several members of the former knightly order. They'll join forces to attack this nation and bring it down if they can."

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