Window of secrets one-shot

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(Would you please listen to the song up top I just love it and I think it goes a little with the story)
(Also this is my first time posting on Wattpad so it might be bad oki enjoy the story bai!!! :] )
(Please don't re-post)
<after school >
It was the end of the day and yamabuki was just about to head to his boyfriends house,meanwhile his boyfriend was still in school doing some paperwork since he was in the student council.
~T I M E S K I P~
Akane was finally done with his work so he headed to his house.once he entered his room he was greeted by his boyfriend "yo!"said the yellow haired male."What are u doing here?"Asked akane."youre mom let me in" responded yamabuki."oh"akane sighed.Akane set his bag down and went and cuddled his lemon hair boyfriend.Akane complained about his day while yamabuki just listened to him rant.Akane then saw a small envelope in yamabuki's bag.
"What's this?"Akane asked."A love letter"answered yamabuki. "I'll be back"Akane said pushing away his boyfriend. Akane grabbed the letter and his bat. "Woah!calm down babe no need to go all yandere"joked Yamabuki "but seriously don't kill anyone."yamabuki said in a firm tone putting his phone down.
Akane glared at him "I'll just reject her tomorrow"said yamabuki. "Fine." Akane said kind of irritated. The boys then went back to cuddling.
|Meanwhile at the house next door|
"Nene-Chan come on let's watch a movie and
then we can go to the park"whined Ao-Chan
"Okay"responded nene.aoi kissed her cheek,while nene blushed,soon that one kiss made its way to a make out session

"Hey where's your charger?"yamabuki asked his sleepy boyfriend."on my desk"Akane answered in a sleepy tone of voice .yamabuki started to get up from the bed to go get the charger.he felt something tug his shirt."Don't leave me while were cuddling"Akane whined."don't worry I'll just get the charger and then we'll go back to cuddling"yamabuki walked over to Akane's tidy desk and got the charger.He looked outside the window and saw aoi and nene making out.He took a picture to use for blackmail just in case.he hoped they didn't see him and went back to his boyfriend,which already fell yamabuki just hugged him while watching his boyfriend sleep peacefully.

Nene didn't mean to look outside the window during she was making out with aoi,but when she looked out the window she saw yamabuki
Taking a photo of them. Nene broke of the kiss and told her girlfriend that yamabuki took a picture of them."oh no! this is bad now every ones gonna know we're together"nene panicked.aoi hugged her worried girlfriend"don't worry nene-Chan we'll just go to akane's house and talk things out with yamabuki".the girls then left the house and walked to the house next door.

"Akane!you're classmates are here to see you" Akane's mom yelled"send them up here Akane's in the bathroom"yamabuki answered with a lie.She let the girls pass through upstairs.nene speed walked through the stairs as soon as she saw Akane's door she slammed it open aoi right behind her."YAMABUKI!!!"nene screamed
Which woke up Akane from his sleep a bit startled"nene-Chan,Ao-Chan what are u guy's doing here?"asked Akane nene ignored Akane and went to talk to yamabuki "please delete that photo and don't tell anyone what you saw"nene begged." What photo?"Asked Akane." This one"yamabuki showed Akane his phone." Oh"Akane said in a calm tone." Please it's not what it looks like"aoi begged." So are you guys dating?"Akane asked." Yes but please don't tell anyone"nene answered." I'm sorry Akane but you never stood a chance with me I like girls"aoi said in a sad tone " that's fine whatever makes Ao-Chan happy"Akane said with a smile. " you're not mad?" Aoi questioned "no not at all!"answerd Akane "don't worry I won't tell anyone u two are dating"yamabuki said
"I'm surprised Akane isn't angry that I'm dating nene-Chan"aoi said "oh that's because...we're dating"yamabuki answerd while holding hands with Akane "WHAT!?!?!"the two girls screamed.
After The two girls calm down Nene said "maybe we should all go to a double date sometime" "yeah that would be fun!"aoi cheered "sure maybe another day" Akane answered.
Word count:759
Hope u liked the story :]

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