Ch 12 (short)

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MAKE IT STOP! " Billie screamed at the top of his lungs, his hands holding on his helmet.

(everyone has their helmet on still.)

"Billie stay calm! Everything is going to be all right!" Em said before starring at the frozen form of Kess.

It tortured Em to see Billie like this. Sure she is horny about him all the time, imagining the many positions she would use.

But he was her only true friend, and first. If anything happened to him..... She would be lost.

She quickly hugged Billie closer to her, which he accepted, and hugged her back.

"It's going to happen again! Everyone is going to die! " Billie said in a whisper, which Em understood.

She glared at the women, Kess, through her helmet with homicidal intent.

She let Val hug Billie to try and comfort him. But when Kess made her way to Billie, Em got the plasma cutter, and aimed at her.

"Don't take another fucking step." Em said without hesitation.

Kess stopped in her place, slowly reaching her right hand out.

The sound of metal filled her ears as the large doors opened up.

She then noticed that a lot of red lasers were on her.

The soldiers had their guns trained on her.

"Mama, do you wish for her to be silenced?" said one of the soldiers, putting his finger on the trigger.

Em Didn't back down.

Kess, without looking away from Em, put her hand up.

"No soldier, continued to Gaurd Martinez. "

The soldiers all went back to their original positions.

Em stood up, plasma cutter still trained on Kess, and got closer to her.

"What. The. Fuck. Is wrong with you! You've taken Billie to the place he was orphaned?! And now, he's screaming and is saying people are going to die. What's going on?!" Em said to Kess, really wanting to pull the trigger.

"Listen Em, " Em cocked the gun. " You don't know if we're up against, and Billie might be the only one that can help us find it. "

"The fucks that suppose to mean?" Em asked annoyed.

Kess huffed and looked over Em's
Shoulder to see the soldiers still working on the door.

"I'll explain later. Go comfort Billie...... He needs you more than me right now." Kess said walking by a stunned Em.

Kess made her way to The soldiers, one of which was preaching to a small group of soldiers.

"I say thy, their be thick alien booty in the dangers ahead. I 12909cadet will lead us in prayer so if we fail to capture the queen, we get to have thy sex with the Aliens. Join me in prayer. "

Kess rolled her eyes, ignoring the bravest soldier in the squad, well more like Garrison, consisting of a total of 45 soldiers. 10 were in the station above the planet trying to re-establish comms with to figure out how the queen got here again.

It broke out, to the place it was born, and she and Billie this close.

'I don't know how long that helmet will block out the queens influence, but we need to hurry. '


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