Chapter 4: Meeting Tenzin's Family

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Thoughts, Dialogue, Telepathic Dialogue, *Actions*, *Expression*

(Y/N) POV:

I place down my fifth shot of Dragon Sake. The bartender, Hyousuke, smiles at me.

Hyousuke: Would you like another one, bud?

I nod my head yes and he pours another shot of sake for me. Kojima, who is next to me, seemed rather worried that I would drink too much.

Kojima: Don't you think that you should avoid drinking too much, Ash?

Hyousuke: Don't worry, Kojima. He's only drinking shots. He would only be wasted from drinking big glasses or bottles. He's fine!

I drink my tenth shot by then and wave at Hyousuke to not give anymore. Kojima looks relieved that I stopped drinking.

It's been two days since I crashed the Revelation and rescued Bolin. I haven't run into the Avatar since then and heard nothing from the Equalists. Kojima had decided to quit her job as a waitress from her previous workplace and became a waitress at the bar that Hyousuke owns. The two got along and were introduced to one another by me.

Kojima and Hyousuke continue to converse with one another while I listen to them. My attention however is diverted when the music on this radio next to us starts to become static. When the static passes, a voice begins to speak from the radio.

????: Good evening, my fellow Equalists. This is your leader, Amon.

Kojima and Hyousuke stop speaking and also turn to the radio to listen. Amon continues to speak.

Amon: As you have heard, the Republic Council has voted to make me public enemy number one, proving once again that the bending oppressors of this city will stop at nothing to quash our revolution. But we cannot be stopped. Our numbers grow stronger by the day. You no longer have to live in fear.

I narrow my eyes at the radio while the leader of the Equalists continues to speak.

Amon: .....The time has come for experience fear.

Amon stops speaking on the radio and music begins to play again. Kojima and Hyousuke say nothing as they stare in worry at Amon's speech.

Hyousuke: *shakes head* That man must be stopped. Benders and Non-benders should be living together in peace, not always be at one another's throats.

Kojima: *terrified* What if he ends up taking the city? What if the revolution becomes a success?

I reach out and place a hand on her shoulder and squeeze to reassure her. She is surprised since Kojima never has never expected me to attempt to comfort someone I just met. Nonetheless, we seem to be quite good friends ever since I met her and protected her from those thugs.

I give some yuan coins to Hyousuke and stand up to leave the bar, waving goodbye to him and Kojima.


I look around the city as I go on a calm stroll. I also pass by some people sitting at a coffee restaurant and get some stares due to my appearance. I stop and turn my head to glare at the sitting people, causing them to flinch. I look away and continue walking.

As I was continuing my stroll, I pass by an alleyway and notice something peculiar at the end of it. Two men were dragging a young girl with dark brown hair tied up in two separate buns and light gray eyes. She was wearing orange and yellow robes which heightened my interest.

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