Chapter 2 - Pizza Time

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so you started to make a da a pizzas

you also ended u p  meeting the other employees and got a little more insight on the whole le epic making pizza to please the entity and the killers thing. 

you ahvent yet met one of them yet because currently your job right now is like i said making da pizzas... with co worker jeff. 

you think you are dping a good job! you ar every proud of your work.

then nea comes into tje kicten. you havent reall spoken to nea so after you put this pie in the oven you walk up to her and say hi "hello i am [y/n] :)"

nea calls you a slur and slams some pizza dough on the table. you frown.

"dont talk to her she's kind of mean" you hear feng come up behind you. you sigh and walk back to the oven

a few hours pass and the day ends. the you wonder where the FCUK! are yoyu supposed to goto sleep?!?!?!

you kind fo stand there awkwardly for a few mintiues until you seee dwight walk into the room. "oh [y/n] arent you comeing with us" 

"???? where" you ask

he then teakes you to some hotel or soem shit where the killers and surviros hang out i dont know

on and you dont have a roomate because you are a loser and also this reader is hender neutral 


the ensxt day you wake up and it is time for work. day two went by smoothy..... as did day three, four, and then the fifth day something changes.d .   you were put to sit at the cash register and take orders and shit. meaning you had to talk to the killers. for tje fiors time.

so there you were, in your pizza uniform,. and here came the first person to take an order.

this man intifmidated you. he wore a white mask with a pizza hat slapped lazily on its head. he was tall and he eawas breathign alLOUD..... 

you were going to piss your pant! "uhm sir...... what doyou want to oder" he ddint say anthyng all he did was breathe

you heard about this gy....... mikol.............. er the shape michael mters.... yourve heard your fellow co cowrkers talk fear about him

mikol isnt sayign ayhtning. you dont know what to do. 

so you start crying

JK JKJK JK your not a pussy

intread you just go into the back and tell jake to make a peperponi or something because michael is a peice of shit.

i ma four hundred words into this lets keep goijg

so afte thte pizxza was done you brought it to michael whowas strill staring and breathing.

he crushes the pizza

so you spend the next four hours guessing what pizza michael wantrs and he keeps crushing it 

you are now in tears "please what fucking pizzas do you need to order "

he says nothing

today was the worst day on the job.

little did you know tomorrow would be worse

I Don't Want The Pizza... I Want YOU - Frank Morrison x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now